BASW Council, the governing body of the Association, is currently seeking nominations for the following roles:
- 1 x Honorary Officer – Treasurer
- 3 x Elected Directors
We encourage members from all communities, identities, and backgrounds to consider these roles. We particularly welcome members from groups and communities previously less well represented in BASW’s leadership. BASW Council is committed to being more diverse and representative of our membership, profession, and society.
All roles start immediately after the June 2025 Annual General Meeting (AGM) for an initial term of 2 years. Officers may stand again for another consecutive term of 2 years.
The closing date for receipt of nominations for both vacancies is 5pm Friday 11 April 2025.
Candidates should submit their completed electronic nomination form to This should include the required number of support signatures, an election statement of up to 300 words and a passport size head and shoulders colour photograph.
Please ensure when applying you take a look at the website to check the role description and criteria for nominations.
All nominations are reviewed against these role descriptions by a Nominations Committee of Members.
To discuss either of these two roles, or the nominations process, please contact
All candidates must meet the criteria set out in the relevant role descriptions:
Honorary Officer – Treasurer
The Treasurer is an elected Honorary Officer together with the Chair and Vice Chair of Council. In addition to their duties as a Director, the Treasurer chairs the Finance & Organisational Development (FOD) Committee. The FOD Committee is responsible for ensuring that the Association properly exercises its financial and staffing responsibilities.
BASW Council meets up to 6 times per year, and FOD up to 4 times per year. The Treasurer role is remunerated at a rate of £13,480.50 per annum for 1 day a week on Association business.
Alongside supporting and deputising for the Chair, the Treasurer takes on agreed responsibilities for Council and may represent BASW externally across the UK.
Candidates for Treasurer must be nominated by five full voting members of BASW (other than the candidates themselves) or by a Branch Committee or National Standing Committee. Candidates must have been full voting members of BASW for at least two years continuously prior to nomination.
You must have a strong understanding of BASW ethics and priorities and the skills and commitment to work collaboratively with Council and, the wider membership and staff.
Elected Director
Elected Directors play a key part in setting BASW’s direction and overseeing its mission as part of Council. They can take on other responsibilities and activities relevant to their interests and expertise and may represent BASW externally. We are looking for people committed to social work, who can represent members, and offer insight and accountability.
The time commitment includes attendance at up to four Council meetings and two away days per year and occasional days on BASW business. Attendance at Council is renumerated and expenses can be claimed for Council related activity.
Candidates for Elected Directors must be nominated by two full voting members of BASW (other than the candidates themselves) or by a Branch Committee or a National Standing Committee and candidates must have been full voting members for at least 1 year continuously prior to nomination.