***Register for your place now!!**
Calling all social work students! We are looking forward to an action packed programme of presentations and workshops.
Taking place throughout the day into early evening, you can dip in and out of sessions to suit your study / work / life commitments.
Designed by students for students - don't miss out on this opportunity to connect, learn and get support to empower your university journey.
Programme includes:
Keynote: Taking a cross-faculty stand against racism and inequality: “What are enabling and inhibiting factors influencing the placement experiences of Black, Asian, Ethnic Minoritised students in the Schools of Social Work, Education, and Health Sciences?”
Dr Carlene Cornish, Associate Professor and Admissions Director in the School of Social Work at the University of East Anglia (UEA) and Tina Odu, 3rd year Social Work Apprentice at University of East Anglia & BASW Student Ambassador
Most Black, Asian, Ethnic Minoritised students on professional courses face racism on placement (Bernard and Harris, 2019). Our own university’s review of attainment data highlighted differential placement outcomes for students in the Schools of Social Work, Education, and Health Sciences. To investigate, qualitative research was conducted in April to October 2024, using focus groups and interviews with twenty students and nineteen staff (lecturers and placement supervisors from the NHS, County Council, and schools). Thereafter, a symposium was held, and students actively contributed to problem-solving strategies addressing inhibiting factors that jeopardise outcomes. These project findings confirm the painful racialised and oppressive experiences that jeopardise successful placement outcomes for ethnic minoritised students. Equally significant is the fact that the data illustrates the profound need for the university to seriously tackle the broken trust in a reporting system found to be lacking in rigour, accountability, and cultural sensitivity. There is a significant amount of work required, but this project is one of several steppingstones tackling race inequality and promoting greater success for all students.
Workshop: Looking after YOU first. Tools and techniques to promote your wellbeing and resilience
Marion Rees – Registered Social Worker & Sophrology Practitioner & Beryl Palmer – Registered Social Worker & Sophrology Practitioner
Let’s face it social work is stressful. You will need to be able to practice good self-care not only for your own well-being but also to be able to give an optimum service to others.
This workshop aims to give you tools and techniques to manage the daily challenges you will face. It is experiential and will involve short, guided practices including gentle body movements, breathing exercises, mental imagery and relaxation. A helpful “takeaway” self-care toolkit.
The session is based on the method of Sophrology which is a fast-expanding wellbeing practice in the UK which helps you to restore balance, with a relaxed body and alert mind. Who doesn’t need that!
Workshop: Applying for your first Social Work role: what works and the pitfalls to avoid
Andrew Reece, Professional Officer with BASW England and Registered Social Worker
So you need support with your social work job applications or interviews? Join us for some tips and support.
This workshop is for BASW members who are seeking support to apply for their first registered social work role, perhaps in an field of social work that is new to them.
The session will cover key tips in finding roles, the application process and the interview process.
There will be time to explore your specific queries, and we will also provide information about the Professional Support Service who can offer coaching to support your job hunting.
More programme details will be available shortly.