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A significant number of social workers migrate from one country to another every year. This is the result of a variety of individual decisions. The experience of migration – moving to work in a different country from that where one trained – is profound for the individuals (and the family if one is involved).

14 March. 1230- 13.45. Migration of Social Workers – Experiences and Learning. A significant number of social workers migrate from one country to another every year. This is the result of a variety of individual decisions. The experience of migration – moving to work in a different country from that where one trained – is profound for the individuals (and the family if one is involved).

It is the right of individual social workers to move to the place where their skills are used to best advantage, and they have the lifestyle they prefer. On the other hand, there are consequences for countries and organisations as a result of migration, in both sending and receiving countries. This webinar is not aiming to encourage or discourage social workers to migrate. It will explore the reasons for and the experiences of migration and the responsibilities of employers in receiving countries.

Contributors: Sylvia Daisy Romanus (India) Chair COSW, Prof Liz Beddoe (Aotearoa / New Zealand) editor of ‘Transnational Social Work’ and members of the BASW Diaspora SIG.

14th March 2023 12:30 PM through  1:45 PM
Event Fee(s)
Admin fee £ 4.80 (includes VAT of £ 0.80)