Specialist profile

Mrs Sarah Liptrott
Contact details
Address: 21 Meg Lane
City: Huddersfield
County: West Yorkshire
Postal Code: HD3 4QP
Telephone: 07728786244
Professional information
Specialism: Adult Services, Mental Health, Other
Location: England: Yorkshire and the Humber

Social Worker and AMHP. Vast experience of working with adults with a learning disability, autism, physical disability, dementia, hoarding, self-neglect, alcohol misuse and mental health issues. Expertise in mental capacity assessments in residence, finances, care and support needs, and sex and relationships (including Forced Marriage Protection Orders) and Court of Protection. Skilled in delivering support to professional agencies around good care planning and documentation that prompts empowerment and acknowledges strength and meets CQC standards of recording. Experience of Continuing Healthcare Checklists and DST reviews.

I work with: Advocacy, Coaching/ mentoring of social workers, Court assessments, Direct work with families and carers, Direct work with service users, Expert witness, Inter-agency working, Local authority departments, Practice teaching, Private/ independent sector, Solicitors, Training and tutoring, Universities / learning & training bodies, Voluntary sector

BSc (hons) Social Work, Approved Mental Health Professional. Level 1 Practice Educator

Professional registrations: Social Work England
Extra skills:

Mental Capacity Assessments, Court of Protection , Continuing Healthcare Checklists, Mental Health Act assessments, tribunals, Social Circumstances reports, Safeguarding, MDT working, Care Planning