Specialist profile

Miss Esme Platt
Contact details
Business name: Send Support Banbury
City: Oxford
County: Oxfordshire
Telephone: 07448684075
Professional information
Specialism: Children and families
Location: England: South East

I first started my journey into social worker in 2014 when I volunteered for the early intervention service. I went onto complete a Diploma in Social sciences and graduated in 2018 with a 2:1 BA degree in social work.

Since graduating, I worked in frontline child protection until most recently becoming independent. I offer independent social work assessments including parent assess parenting assessments, Form F, adoption assessments and first-tier tribunal special educational needs assessments.

I work with: Advocacy, Coaching/ mentoring of parents (families), Court assessments, Direct work with families and carers, Direct work with service users, Family assessment, Inter-agency working, Local authority departments, Private/ independent sector, Solicitors, Therapeutic work

BA Social Work

Professional registrations: Social Work England
Extra skills:

Parent assess trained
Skilled with working with people with additional needs
I also offer supervised contact