Specialist profile

Miss Julianne Afuye
Contact details
Business name: JA ISW Ltd
Limited company registered in: England and Wales
Company's registered number:


Address: 86-90 Paul Street
City: London
Postal Code: EC2A 4NE
Telephone: 07365292342
Professional information
Specialism: Children and families
Location: England: London, England: South East

I am a qualified social worker with over a decade of experience since 2013, specialising in statutory child protection, family support, and family court proceedings. My expertise lies in direct work and assessment with children, young people, and their families. I have conducted comprehensive parenting , risk assessments, together and apart as, Section 7 and kinship assessments. Additionally, I supervise contact arrangements. I also provide a specialised parenting support package focused on addressing parental alienation.

I work with: Coaching/ mentoring of parents (families), Coaching/ mentoring of social workers, Court assessments, Direct work with families and carers, Expert witness, Family assessment, Inspection, Inter-agency working, Practice assessment, Solicitors, Therapeutic work

BSc in Social Work (2013)

Professional registrations: Social Work England
Extra skills:

C&F assessment Court directed Parenting Assessment Viability Assessment SG Assessment Community based parenting Assessment S.7 & S.37 reports Contact Supervision & Age assessment