Specialist profile

Mrs Minnie Vosper
Contact details
Business name: Can You Hear Me Limited
Limited company registered in: England and Wales
Company's registered number:


Address: Richmond House
Edward Street
City: Truro
County: Cornwall
Postal Code: TR13AJ
Telephone: 07557361069
Professional information
Specialism: Children and families
Location: England: South West

I am a highly experienced independent social worker, who has in-depth knowledge of family public and private law. With over 15 years of experience, I bring the skills and judgement to deliver the right outcomes for children and their families. I have worked across multiple Local Authorities as both a permanent and independent social worker, including mentoring and supervising newly qualified social workers. I have also worked as a Safeguarding Manager in the independent school sector supporting children and young people with complex needs, and leading Safeguarding training for staff. I am passionate about direct work with children and providing comprehensive assessments.

I work with: Advocacy, Coaching/ mentoring of parents (families), Coaching/ mentoring of social workers, Compliance, Court assessments, Direct work with families and carers, Direct work with service users, Expert witness, Family assessment, Inter-agency working, Local authority departments, NHS organisations, Private/ independent sector, Solicitors, Supervision, Therapeutic work, Training and tutoring, Voluntary sector

BSc (Hons) Social Work

Professional registrations: Social Work England
Extra skills:

Assessing risk in families; Children who harm other children; Achieving best evidence; Childhood loss and grief; Art therapy; Bereavement; Anger management.