Tell us about the experiences that make you feel good to be a social worker
PSW wants to hear your good news stories and anecdotes

Social work is full of magic moments that rarely get heard.
Professional Social Work magazine is keen to highlight them for our ‘Rosy glows’ section.
It could be:
- A difference you’ve made
- A positive change you’ve helped achieve in someone’s life
- An occasion where you’ve successfully stood up for someone’s rights
- A thank you or some other positive feedback you’ve received from someone you’ve worked with
- An anecdote from practice that made you proud to be a social worker
- A key learning piece of learning… or something else!
Basically, anything that has given you a ‘rosy glow’ feeling about being a social worker we’d love to hear about and share.
Let’s celebrate the everyday good news about social work - and counterbalance the negative news that too often gets the limelight!
Please email your Rosy Glows of around 400 words to