Each Community of Practice (CoP) will bring together social workers from, policy, practice, and education from their respective fields to share knowledge and experience, receive support from peers and BASW NI.
They will also be an opportunity to highlight issues that you want BASW NI to action on your behalf.
There are similar groups meeting in the RoI, Scotland, Wales and England and we aim to connect with them on shared issues regularly.
The CoP will last for one hour and attendance will provide you with 3 PIP credits.
We invite suggestions on topics for discussion from our members and/or presentations that will be of interest to your colleagues. We want this to be a forum for learning and raising matters that BASW NI can take forward on your behalf.
Upcoming Events
Join BASW Northern Ireland for this 1 hour Community of Practice where we will be joined by guest speaker Rosalyn Millar.
Rosalyn is a PhD candidate from Queen’s University Belfast. Her research focuses on domestic abuse and society’s understanding of coercive control, and it’s impacts. Her PhD and associated research will adopt a whole-systems approach and in collaboration with Women’s Aid, aims to produce victim-informed organisation and policy recommendations to better support victims of domestic abuse. She will be presenting a paper produced by herself, Caoilfhionn Hardy and Dr. Katrina McLaughlin on the experiences and impacts of post-separation domestic abuse on Northern Irish mothers and their children.
This session will be held on Zoom and the joining link will be issued in advance of the date. For any queries please contact n.ireland@basw.co.uk.
Join BASW Northern Ireland for this 1 hour Community of Practice where we will be joined by Professor Paula McFadden and Emertia Professor Mary McColgan who will present on their research and analysis of children’s and older people social work staffing levels in Northern Ireland. This is an opportunity for BASW NI members to explore the findings of the study which asked How can safe staffing levels be established for children’s and older people’s services in social work?
This COP is an opportunity for members to discuss these findings and the consultation which has been launched by the Department of Health to inform the drafting of a Safe and Effective Staffing Bill to be introduced into the Northern Ireland Assembly next year Safe and Effective Staffing Legislation in Northern Ireland Consultation | Department of Health (health-ni.gov.uk) This is an important consultation for the social work workforce and we want members to have their say.
This session will be held on Zoom and the joining link will be issued in advance of the date. For any queries please contact n.ireland@basw.co.uk.
This is an opportunity for students to come along and meet the BASW NI Team and find out how we can help and support you throughout your student journey.
This will be held via Zoom. For any queries please contact us at n.ireland@basw.co.uk.