Membership types
Staying with BASW means you will benefit from discounted rates in membership. Take a look at our membership types for more details on the benefits of BASW membership.
We also offer parental leave reductions - 33% off your basic fee during parental leave for ‘working’ members (contact us when you’re due to go on leave). And a category designed for social workers who are either unpaid working or unemployed.
By your side, every step of the way.
Get ahead on your course and chosen career with BASW’s discounted student membership.
Continue your membership and receive 50% off for your first post-qualifying year of work
Carve out your career steps with BASW, build your knowledge and skills and protect your wellbeing
Connect and lobby with us on what really matters, log your CPD and access resources and support.
Step up to your next role with our professional coaching and get the specialised resources
Learning to supervise and support staff? Access management resources, coaching and build your skills.
Enhanced package of resources, protection & networking opportunities for self-employed & agency workers
Access leadership resources, connect with peers and influence what matters in social work today.

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