Campaigns in England

Get involved with BASW England

The BASW England National Standing Committee works with BASW staff, particularly the BASW England National Director, to discuss current issues for social work and decide what the priorities for BASW England are. The committee are elected to serve for two years by BASW England members at the England annual meeting
Together we’ll drive positive change and influence what matters in social work today.
Find out more about the BASW England National Standing Committee

Join one of our 16 local branches across England. Branches run regular events and activities for members, contribute to campaigns and may bring motions to the BASW AGM.
Connect, learn and lobby with us. With the British Association of Social Workers you’ll get the support you need, all under one roof.
Find out more about local branches and the closest branch to you.

There are eight independent networks across England social worker can get involved with supporting both virtual and face-to-face meetings.
Get the professional resources and networking opportunities you need.

BASW England has nine thematic groups including; Adult Social Work, Black & Ethnic Minority Professionals Symposium, Children & Families, Criminal Justice, Emergency Duty Team, Mental Health, Professional Capabilities and Development, Social Workers in Health and Student & Newly Qualified Social Workers.
Work together to influence UK policy and and share knowledge and expertise.
England in the news

Key Resources in England
Latest national policies and resources