Newly Qualified Social Worker Programme 2024 – 2025: designed for wherever you are choosing to work across the UK
Get your career off to a great start with our CPD programme expertly designed to support practitioners taking up roles as newly qualified social workers.
Delivered by BASW’s accredited training provider DCC-i, the programme covers eight subject areas, directly relevant and referenced against the National Requirements for NQSWs across each nation (England Professional Capabilities Framework 2, Scotland Core Learning Elements, Wales & NI National Occupation Standards).
The sessions, starting in November 2024, offer valuable opportunities to learn, reflect and network with other delegates starting out their careers in social work.
You can attend all eight sessions or choose to book onto specific courses in the programme.
Suitable for newly qualified social workers and students
Courses detailed below are 9.30am - 4.30pm, each attracting 6hrs CPD
Price per session:
BASW Members £65.00 + VAT (£78.00)
BASW Non Members £99.00 + VAT (£118.80)
For corporate/block bookings, please email ProfDE@basw.co.uk to access discounted rates.
"Really good training. Interactive and a great knowledgeable trainer"
***Session for students & NQSWs only***
Delivered by BASW’s accredited training partner DCC-i via MS Teams.
Part 5 of 8 in BASW's NQSW CPD Programme - click here to view the full series
Managing Risk Training for Students/NQSWs negotiating complex and unpredictable contexts supports the Following National Requirements:
England: PCF7 – Interventions and Skills, Adult PQS6 – Effective Assessment and Outcome-Based Support Planning, Childrens PQS7 – Analysis, Decision-Making, Planning and Review.
Scotland: CLE2 – Communication, engagement and relationship-based practice/ CLE3 – Critical Thinking, Professional Judgement and Decision-Making / CLE4 – Working with complexity in unpredictable and ambiguous contexts
Wales and Northern Ireland: NOS2 – Practise Professional Social Work, NOS3 – Promote Engagement and Participation, NOS5 – Plan for Person Centred Outcomes
Course Outline:
A particular anxiety for newly qualified frontline practitioners is the assessment of risk, this workshop gives frontline practitioners in both Children and Adults settings some frameworks for conceptualising and assessing risks; ideas to consider for triangulating information effectively and methods of analysing and articulating risk.
This session is an opportunity for professionals to share ideas and experiences from their own practice and engage in valuable peer support which can increase professional confidence and resilience. The course will explore the impact of our own values, bias and beliefs on understanding, assessing and managing risk including an exploration of whether this makes our practice risk adverse or conversely prompts unsafe risk-taking. The principles of safe accountable positive risk-taking will be explored. Recording decision-making around risk in a defensible manner will also be covered.
Learning Methods:
This training is delivered using an online interactive classroom approach and all delegates will be expected to take part to ensure an effective adult learning experience. Using whiteboards and breakout rooms, a combination of learning methods will be used throughout the day, including trainer presentation and group work in the form of case studies and reflection dilemmas to support application to practice. Local templates and expectations will be embedded in the programme where required and appropriate.
Learning Outcomes:
This course will provide participants with the following learning outcomes:
- Explore the impact of our personal and professional values on how we view and respond to risk.
- Be able to identify possible risks
- Be able to conceptualise risk to help assess the likelihood of a negative outcome and evaluate the options for managing the risks effectively.
- Explore ways of assessing risk and triangulating information.
- Explore the principles of positive risk-taking.
- Know how to seek support and/or escalate concerns.
- Know how to record risk in an accountable manner.
Programme Outline:
9.00 Log-in – Check your connection, camera & mic (then get a cuppa)
9.30 Introduction to the session and the tech
9.45 Defining Risk:
10.15 Understanding our Perceptions of Risk:
- Beliefs & values
- Experience & Knowledge
- Role and Remit.
11.00 COFFEE
11.20 Conceptualising Risk
- Static & Dynamic Risk.
- Assessing Likelihood and seriousness.
- Safe uncertainty.
12.30 LUNCH
1.15 Understanding capacity, choice & the right to make unwise decisions:
- The relationship between Capacity, Risk and Safeguarding Duties
- Can Children and Parents make unwise decisions?
- Risk assessment & management in relation to unwise decisions
2.50 Positive Risk-Taking Principles:
- Why, When and How to take positive risks.
- Barriers to Service User Engagement.
- Collaborative Risk Management Plans.
- Assessing when positive risk-taking is not appropriate.
- Knowing how, when and why to review risk management
3.50 Recording risk in an accountable and defensible manner:
- Recording the assessment of risk.
- Articulating whose risk it is to take.
- Being clear on actions to prevent, manage or respond to risk.
4.15 Reflection and Review – learning points and next steps.
4.30 CLOSE
The Trainer:
Tony Clamp, Specialist Trainer (Motivational Interviewing)
Tony is an Social Work England registered Social Worker with 25 years experience in both the voluntary & statutory sectors of social care.
Since qualifying as a Social Worker, Tony has held academic positions at a number of British universities, as well as spending time as a children's social care practitioner.
Tony is an experienced motivational interviewing practitioner and trainer. As one of DCC-i's core crew, Tony specialises in Motivational Interviewing and its application in practice as a means to improve the quality of child & family safeguarding.
***Session for students & NQSWs only***
Delivered by BASW’s accredited training partner DCC-i via MS Teams.
Part 6 of 8 in BASW's NQSW CPD Programme - click here to view the full series
Cultural Curiosity in Relationship Based Practice for NQSWs meets the following National Standards:
England: PCF2 – Values and Ethics, PCF3 – Diversity, PCF4 Rights and Justice, PCF7 Interventions and Skills, Adult PQS3 – Person-Centred Practice , Childrens PQS1 – Relationships and Direct Work
Scotland: CLE1 – Ethics, Values & Rights-Based Practice
CLE2 – Communication, engagement and relationship-based practice
CLE7 – Self-Awareness and reflexivity
Wales and Northern Ireland: NOS2 – Practise Professional Social Work, NOS4 – Assess needs, risks and circumstances.
Course Outline:
Cultural curiosity is more than recognising differences in race or religion, it involves recognising that we are all shaped by our experiences and are influenced by cultural norms and understanding. All our interactions and communications are interpreted via cultural filters, and it is an understanding of these and how they can impact on working in teams and groups that will be the focus of the day.
The course also explores how diversity is about more than just difference; looking at the use of power within our society and structures, how that power can prevent individuals and groups from accessing or engaging with support and services and our responsibilities in addressing power difference and tailoring our interventions to each unique person. The differences between equality and equity are explored and the importance of recognising structural bias in society that disproportionately disadvantage many individuals that have care and support needs – this includes all the protected characteristics set out in the Equalities Act 2010. NQSW’s will be supported to consider their own unconscious bias, the inequalities that are present within our own profession and how they can address this in their own practice, giving consideration to the Equalities Act, the Human Rights Act and the Conventions that we are signatories to (EG UNCRPD).
Social Work England undertook research in 2021 that indicated that a high proportion of NQSW’s experienced direct discrimination themselves, not only from service users but from colleagues. This course looks to empower NQSW’s/Students to ensure their own diversity needs are met and how to speak up and speak out if their own needs are not met.
Learning Methods:
This training is delivered using an online interactive classroom approach and all delegates will be expected to take part to ensure an effective adult learning experience. Using whiteboards and breakout rooms, a combination of learning methods will be used throughout the day, including trainer presentation and group work in the form of case studies and reflection dilemmas to support application to practice. Local templates and expectations will be embedded in the programme where required and appropriate.
Learning Outcomes:
This course will provide participants with the following learning outcomes:
- To increase understanding and awareness in relation to working with and alongside individuals from different cultural and social groups and how culture influences how we all experience and engage in professional interactions.
- To consider diversity as a power issue, how this might impact on health and social care practice and professional dynamics and to account for this in practice.
- To reflect on the cultural diversity within participants practice areas, and consider how this might impact on the individual, family and community and how they experience public services.
- To explore concepts of discrimination and oppression arising due to diversity issues. Including how organisational / professional cultures can impact on the experience of individuals working within and/or using public services.
- To be able to demonstrate an awareness of how experiences of discrimination and oppression can be internalised and impact on an individual’s emotional and environmental well-being and be able to recognise and seek support for our own diversity needs.
- How to use legislative frameworks to positively empower marginalised members of society and use our professional values and ethics to ensure that Social Work practice upholds the rights of children and families.
Programme Outline:
9.00 Log-in – Check your connection, camera & mic (then get a cuppa)
9.30 Introduction to the session and the tech
9.45 What do we mean be cultural curiosity and diversity?
- Defining the terms and issues.
- Understanding the frameworks.
- Making the links to our own experiences and practice.
11.10 COFFEE
11.30 Can we, should we adopt the lens of the individuals / families we work with?
Ways of understanding the experience of others.
- Risks in attempting to view the world through the lens of another.
- Recognising and responding to our own bias.
- Using legislation and professional ethics as a framework for practice.
12.45 LUNCH
1.30 Communicating effectively about matters of uniqueness.
- Having challenging and uncomfortable conversations effectively.
- Thinking about the impact of language.
- Assumptions, presumptions and respectful uncertainty.
2.45 Meeting our own diversity needs as well as those of others.
- Identifying your own needs and their impacts.
- Sharing your needs with your manager and assessors.
- Raising concerns and asking for help.
4.15 Reflection and Review – learning points and next steps
4.30 CLOSE
The trainer :-
Soyeb Aswat, Specialist Associate & ASYE Lead.
Soyeb is a Social Worker/BIA/AMHP and has worked in the health and social care sector for 25 Years. Soyeb has experience in working within Voluntary and Public Sector, with Young Carers, Fostering, Leaving Care and primarily in Mental Health. Soyeb is currently a Social Work lead for two large NHS Trusts. Soyeb is passionate about Social Work, its values and ethics and how the profession gives financial gain but most importantly spiritual gain and satisfaction, what could be better! Soyeb's area of expertise is mental health and working with cases where there are issues around culture/religion. Soyeb supervises qualified Social Workers but also supports Newly Qualified Social Workers and organises and facilitates training to support them to maintain their CPD. In addition to being part of the DCC-i training and development crew, Soyeb also delivers sessions his local university and facilitates research projects.
***Session for students & NQSWs only***
Delivered by BASW’s accredited training partner DCC-i via MS Teams.
Part 6 of 8 in BASW's NQSW CPD Programme - click here to view the full series
Cultural Curiosity in Relationship Based Practice for NQSWs meets the following National Standards:
England: PCF2 – Values and Ethics, PCF3 – Diversity, PCF4 Rights and Justice, PCF7 Interventions and Skills, Adult PQS3 – Person-Centred Practice , Childrens PQS1 – Relationships and Direct Work
Scotland: CLE1 – Ethics, Values & Rights-Based Practice
CLE2 – Communication, engagement and relationship-based practice
CLE7 – Self-Awareness and reflexivity
Wales and Northern Ireland: NOS2 – Practise Professional Social Work, NOS4 – Assess needs, risks and circumstances.
Course Outline:
Cultural curiosity is more than recognising differences in race or religion, it involves recognising that we are all shaped by our experiences and are influenced by cultural norms and understanding. All our interactions and communications are interpreted via cultural filters, and it is an understanding of these and how they can impact on working in teams and groups that will be the focus of the day.
The course also explores how diversity is about more than just difference; looking at the use of power within our society and structures, how that power can prevent individuals and groups from accessing or engaging with support and services and our responsibilities in addressing power difference and tailoring our interventions to each unique person. The differences between equality and equity are explored and the importance of recognising structural bias in society that disproportionately disadvantage many individuals that have care and support needs – this includes all the protected characteristics set out in the Equalities Act 2010. NQSW’s will be supported to consider their own unconscious bias, the inequalities that are present within our own profession and how they can address this in their own practice, giving consideration to the Equalities Act, the Human Rights Act and the Conventions that we are signatories to (EG UNCRPD).
Social Work England undertook research in 2021 that indicated that a high proportion of NQSW’s experienced direct discrimination themselves, not only from service users but from colleagues. This course looks to empower NQSW’s/Students to ensure their own diversity needs are met and how to speak up and speak out if their own needs are not met.
Learning Methods:
This training is delivered using an online interactive classroom approach and all delegates will be expected to take part to ensure an effective adult learning experience. Using whiteboards and breakout rooms, a combination of learning methods will be used throughout the day, including trainer presentation and group work in the form of case studies and reflection dilemmas to support application to practice. Local templates and expectations will be embedded in the programme where required and appropriate.
Learning Outcomes:
This course will provide participants with the following learning outcomes:
- To increase understanding and awareness in relation to working with and alongside individuals from different cultural and social groups and how culture influences how we all experience and engage in professional interactions.
- To consider diversity as a power issue, how this might impact on health and social care practice and professional dynamics and to account for this in practice.
- To reflect on the cultural diversity within participants practice areas, and consider how this might impact on the individual, family and community and how they experience public services.
- To explore concepts of discrimination and oppression arising due to diversity issues. Including how organisational / professional cultures can impact on the experience of individuals working within and/or using public services.
- To be able to demonstrate an awareness of how experiences of discrimination and oppression can be internalised and impact on an individual’s emotional and environmental well-being and be able to recognise and seek support for our own diversity needs.
- How to use legislative frameworks to positively empower marginalised members of society and use our professional values and ethics to ensure that Social Work practice upholds the rights of children and families.
Programme Outline:
9.00 Log-in – Check your connection, camera & mic (then get a cuppa)
9.30 Introduction to the session and the tech
9.45 What do we mean be cultural curiosity and diversity?
- Defining the terms and issues.
- Understanding the frameworks.
- Making the links to our own experiences and practice.
11.10 COFFEE
11.30 Can we, should we adopt the lens of the individuals / families we work with?
Ways of understanding the experience of others.
- Risks in attempting to view the world through the lens of another.
- Recognising and responding to our own bias.
- Using legislation and professional ethics as a framework for practice.
12.45 LUNCH
1.30 Communicating effectively about matters of uniqueness.
- Having challenging and uncomfortable conversations effectively.
- Thinking about the impact of language.
- Assumptions, presumptions and respectful uncertainty.
2.45 Meeting our own diversity needs as well as those of others.
- Identifying your own needs and their impacts.
- Sharing your needs with your manager and assessors.
- Raising concerns and asking for help.
4.15 Reflection and Review – learning points and next steps
4.30 CLOSE
The trainer :-
Soyeb Aswat, Specialist Associate & ASYE Lead.
Soyeb is a Social Worker/BIA/AMHP and has worked in the health and social care sector for 25 Years. Soyeb has experience in working within Voluntary and Public Sector, with Young Carers, Fostering, Leaving Care and primarily in Mental Health. Soyeb is currently a Social Work lead for two large NHS Trusts. Soyeb is passionate about Social Work, its values and ethics and how the profession gives financial gain but most importantly spiritual gain and satisfaction, what could be better! Soyeb's area of expertise is mental health and working with cases where there are issues around culture/religion. Soyeb supervises qualified Social Workers but also supports Newly Qualified Social Workers and organises and facilitates training to support them to maintain their CPD. In addition to being part of the DCC-i training and development crew, Soyeb also delivers sessions his local university and facilitates research projects.
***Session for students & NQSWs only***
Delivered by BASW’s accredited training partner DCC-i via MS Teams.
Part 7 of 8 in BASW's NQSW CPD Programme - click here to view the full series
Ethics, Values and Rights-Based Practice for NQSWs meets the following National Standards:
England: PCF2 – Values and Ethics, PCF3 – Diversity, PCF4 Rights and Justice, PCF 6 – Critical Reflection, Adult PQS3 – Person-Centred Practice, Childrens PQS1 – Relationships and Direct Work, Childrens PQS8 – Law, Family and Youth Justice.
Scotland: CLE1 – Ethics, Values & Rights-Based Practice
CLE2 – Communication, engagement and relationship-based practice
CLE6 – Use of Knowledge, research and evidence in practice
CLE7 – Self-Awareness and reflexivity
Wales and Northern Ireland: NOS1 – Maintain Professional Accountability, 2 – Practise Professional Social Work, NOS4 – Assess needs, risks and circumstances.
Course Outline:
This session explores the complexity of legal interfaces, rights-based practice and the ethical dilemmas this can raise including the role of the professional in managing and negotiating such issues, including managing their own values and power appropriately.
Case examples and caselaw will be used to demonstrate how these impact on Social Workers and then considers the transferrable skills needed to ensure NQSWs are able to negotiate these complexities in practice.
Learning Methods:
This training is delivered using an online interactive classroom approach and all delegates will be expected to take part to ensure an effective adult learning experience. Using whiteboards and breakout rooms, a combination of learning methods will be used throughout the day, including trainer presentation and group work in the form of case studies and reflection dilemmas to support application to practice. Local templates and expectations will be embedded in the programme where required and appropriate.
Learning Outcomes:
This course will provide participants with the following learning outcomes:
- An exploration of legal interfaces and how this impacts on practice.
- Exploring the balance in legislation between rights, choice and empowerment and safeguarding and public protection and what that means in practice.
- Recognising the impact of our own beliefs, values and biases in how we use law.
Programme Outline:
9.00 Log-in – Check your connection, camera & mic (then get a cuppa)
9.30 Introduction to the session and the tech
10.00 Ethics and Values – application in practice
- What are values and ethics? How do they impact our practice?
- What power do we have and how do we use it?
- Social Work and Social Justice
11.00 COFFEE
11.20 What is Rights Based Practice
- How the Human Rights Act underpins Practice
- Exploring the Balance between Safeguarding and Autonomy
- Considering Coproduction as a measure of Rights Based Practice
12.30 LUNCH
1.45 Examples of Legal Interfaces & Related Dilemmas
- How legal literacy impacts on practice
- Examples of Case Law that highlight ethical dilemmas
3.20 Negotiating Ethical Dilemmas
- Using law and Policy
- Recognising Statutory Responsibilities
- Valuing the voice of the individual and upholding their rights.
- Peer Reflection and Supervision
- Articulating your decision.
4.15 Reflection and Review – learning points and next steps
4.30 CLOSE
The Trainer :-
Soyeb Aswat, Specialist Associate & ASYE Lead.
Soyeb is a Social Worker/BIA/AMHP and has worked in the health and social care sector for 25 Years. Soyeb has experience in working within Voluntary and Public Sector, with Young Carers, Fostering, Leaving Care and primarily in Mental Health. Soyeb is currently a Social Work lead for two large NHS Trusts. Soyeb is passionate about Social Work, its values and ethics and how the profession gives financial gain but most importantly spiritual gain and satisfaction, what could be better! Soyeb's area of expertise is mental health and working with cases where there are issues around culture/religion. Soyeb supervises qualified Social Workers but also supports Newly Qualified Social Workers and organises and facilitates training to support them to maintain their CPD. In addition to being part of the DCC-i training and development crew, Soyeb also delivers sessions his local university and facilitates research projects.
***Session for students & NQSWs only***
Delivered by BASW’s accredited training partner DCC-i via MS Teams.
Part 7 of 8 in BASW's NQSW CPD Programme - click here to view the full series
Ethics, Values and Rights-Based Practice for NQSWs meets the following National Standards:
England: PCF2 – Values and Ethics, PCF3 – Diversity, PCF4 Rights and Justice, PCF 6 – Critical Reflection, Adult PQS3 – Person-Centred Practice, Childrens PQS1 – Relationships and Direct Work, Childrens PQS8 – Law, Family and Youth Justice.
Scotland: CLE1 – Ethics, Values & Rights-Based Practice
CLE2 – Communication, engagement and relationship-based practice
CLE6 – Use of Knowledge, research and evidence in practice
CLE7 – Self-Awareness and reflexivity
Wales and Northern Ireland: NOS1 – Maintain Professional Accountability, 2 – Practise Professional Social Work, NOS4 – Assess needs, risks and circumstances.
Course Outline:
This session explores the complexity of legal interfaces, rights-based practice and the ethical dilemmas this can raise including the role of the professional in managing and negotiating such issues, including managing their own values and power appropriately.
Case examples and caselaw will be used to demonstrate how these impact on Social Workers and then considers the transferrable skills needed to ensure NQSWs are able to negotiate these complexities in practice.
Learning Methods:
This training is delivered using an online interactive classroom approach and all delegates will be expected to take part to ensure an effective adult learning experience. Using whiteboards and breakout rooms, a combination of learning methods will be used throughout the day, including trainer presentation and group work in the form of case studies and reflection dilemmas to support application to practice. Local templates and expectations will be embedded in the programme where required and appropriate.
Learning Outcomes:
This course will provide participants with the following learning outcomes:
- An exploration of legal interfaces and how this impacts on practice.
- Exploring the balance in legislation between rights, choice and empowerment and safeguarding and public protection and what that means in practice.
- Recognising the impact of our own beliefs, values and biases in how we use law.
Programme Outline:
9.00 Log-in – Check your connection, camera & mic (then get a cuppa)
9.30 Introduction to the session and the tech
10.00 Ethics and Values – application in practice
- What are values and ethics? How do they impact our practice?
- What power do we have and how do we use it?
- Social Work and Social Justice
11.00 COFFEE
11.20 What is Rights Based Practice
- How the Human Rights Act underpins Practice
- Exploring the Balance between Safeguarding and Autonomy
- Considering Coproduction as a measure of Rights Based Practice
12.30 LUNCH
1.45 Examples of Legal Interfaces & Related Dilemmas
- How legal literacy impacts on practice
- Examples of Case Law that highlight ethical dilemmas
3.20 Negotiating Ethical Dilemmas
- Using law and Policy
- Recognising Statutory Responsibilities
- Valuing the voice of the individual and upholding their rights.
- Peer Reflection and Supervision
- Articulating your decision.
4.15 Reflection and Review – learning points and next steps
4.30 CLOSE
The Trainer :-
Daisy Long, Chief Executive.
Daisy is a qualified and Social Work England registered social worker, who has spent a large part of her career working within integrated health and social care environments, providing and developing professional practice and leadership in health, social care and strategic settings. Daisy holds AMHP, BIA and PEPS 2 qualificationDaisy is well published, and also holds qualifications in Counselling, Practice Education, Mental Capacity, Mental Health, ILM Mentoring, Leadership & Management, and Training. She is Visiting Fellow at the National Centre for Cross Disciplinary Social Work (NCCDSW) at Bournemouth University, a role she has held since 2015. She is also Special Visiting Lecturer for the University of Wolverhampton Daisy is also a member of the BIHR Rites Group, BASW Professional Social Work magazine editorial advisory board and book review co-editor for the British Journal of Social Work (BJSW). Daisy oversees our business and consultancy projects and has particular expertise in relation to mental health, mental capacity, adult safeguarding and social justice related areas.
***Session for students & NQSWs only***
Delivered by BASW’s accredited training partner DCC-i via MS Teams.
Part 8 of 8 in BASW's NQSW CPD Programme - click here to view the full series
Relationship Based Practice in Multi Agency Contexts meets the following National Standards:
England: PCF 3 – Diversity, PCF 6, Critical Reflection, PCF7 Intervention and Skills, PCF8 – Contexts and Organisations, Adult PQS3 – Person-Centred Practice, Adult PQS8 – Supervision, critical reflection and analysis, Adult PQS7 – Direct Work, Childrens PQS1 – Relationships and Direct Work, Children’s PQS2 – Communication, Childrens PQS7 – Analysis, Decision-Making, planning and review, Children’s PQS9 - Supervision
Scotland: CLE1 – Ethics, Values and Rights-Based Practice
CLE2 – Communication, engagement and relationship-based practice
CLE3 - Critical thinking, professional Judgement & Decision-making
CLE7 – Self-Awareness and Reflexivity
Wales and Northern Ireland: NOS1 – Maintain Professional Accountability, NOS2 – Practise Professional Social Work, NOS3 – Promote Engagement and Participation, NOS5 – Plan for Person Centred Outcomes, NOS6 – Take Action to achieve Change
Course Outline:
This one-day session is designed to support students & Newly Qualified Social Workers to consider what is meant by Relationship-Based Practice and how this can be achieved within the context of Multi-Agency Working.
The course will provide participants with the opportunity to explore how to safely use self in interactions with people in a way that is both genuine and boundaried. This course explores how to engage people using a range of different approaches and how to work with other professionals effectively so that people are supported not overwhelmed by the various agencies working with them. This course considers the impact of statutory responsibilities on working relationships with people and their families and how this can be negotiated successfully.
Learning Methods:
This training is delivered using an online interactive classroom approach and all delegates will be expected to take part to ensure an effective adult learning experience. Using whiteboards and breakout rooms, a combination of learning methods will be used throughout the day, including trainer presentation and group work in the form of case studies and reflection dilemmas to support application to practice. Local templates and expectations will be embedded in the programme where required and appropriate.
Learning Outcomes:
This course will provide participants with the following learning outcomes:
- A clear understanding of what is meant by Relationship-Based Practice.
- An understanding of how to connect with people whilst maintaining boundaries.
- How to use ‘self’ and/or ‘lived experience’ appropriately.
- How to achieve co-production with individuals and families.
- How to support people as part of a multi-agency response.
- How to communicate effectively across multi-agency contexts.
Programme Outline:
9.00 Log-in – Check your connection, camera & mic (then get a cuppa)
9.30 Introduction to the session and the tech
9.45 What Is Relationship-Based Practice
- Definitions of relationship-based practice
- How relational Social Work Looks in Practice.
- Utilising Strengths-Based and Trauma Informed Principles
- Understanding Coproduction.
11.10 COFFEE
11.30 Stages of Relationship-Based Practice
- Stage 1: A shared and transparent understanding of involvement.
- Stage 2: A collaborative construction of concerns.
- Stage 3: A mutually determined analysis.
- Stage 4: A collaborative intervention strategy
12.30 LUNCH
1.15 Managing Use of Self, Lived Experience and Boundaries
- Considering what you want to share and why
- Keeping the Person at the Centre of your Practice
- Knowing Policies and Procedures
- Using Supervision
3.00 Working in Multi-Agency Contexts
- Understanding & articulating your own role and remit
- Understanding the remit of others
- Talking the same language
- Keeping the person at the centre of your practice
- Effective Multi-Agency Working
- Troubleshooting.
4.00 Reflection and Review – learning points and next steps
4.30 CLOSE
The Trainer:
Tony Clamp, Specialist Trainer (Motivational Interviewing)
Tony is an Social Work England registered Social Worker with 25 years experience in both the voluntary & statutory sectors of social care.
Since qualifying as a Social Worker, Tony has held academic positions at a number of British universities, as well as spending time as a children's social care practitioner.
Tony is an experienced motivational interviewing practitioner and trainer. As one of DCC-i's core crew, Tony specialises in Motivational Interviewing and its application in practice as a means to improve the quality of child & family safeguarding.
***Session for students & NQSWs only***
Delivered by BASW’s accredited training partner DCC-i via MS Teams.
Part 8 of 8 in BASW's NQSW CPD Programme - click here to view the full series
Relationship Based Practice in Multi Agency Contexts meets the following National Standards:
England: PCF 3 – Diversity, PCF 6, Critical Reflection, PCF7 Intervention and Skills, PCF8 – Contexts and Organisations, Adult PQS3 – Person-Centred Practice, Adult PQS8 – Supervision, critical reflection and analysis, Adult PQS7 – Direct Work, Childrens PQS1 – Relationships and Direct Work, Children’s PQS2 – Communication, Childrens PQS7 – Analysis, Decision-Making, planning and review, Children’s PQS9 - Supervision
Scotland: CLE1 – Ethics, Values and Rights-Based Practice
CLE2 – Communication, engagement and relationship-based practice
CLE3 - Critical thinking, professional Judgement & Decision-making
CLE7 – Self-Awareness and Reflexivity
Wales and Northern Ireland: NOS1 – Maintain Professional Accountability, NOS2 – Practise Professional Social Work, NOS3 – Promote Engagement and Participation, NOS5 – Plan for Person Centred Outcomes, NOS6 – Take Action to achieve Change
Course Outline:
This one-day session is designed to support students & Newly Qualified Social Workers to consider what is meant by Relationship-Based Practice and how this can be achieved within the context of Multi-Agency Working.
The course will provide participants with the opportunity to explore how to safely use self in interactions with people in a way that is both genuine and boundaried. This course explores how to engage people using a range of different approaches and how to work with other professionals effectively so that people are supported not overwhelmed by the various agencies working with them. This course considers the impact of statutory responsibilities on working relationships with people and their families and how this can be negotiated successfully.
Learning Methods:
This training is delivered using an online interactive classroom approach and all delegates will be expected to take part to ensure an effective adult learning experience. Using whiteboards and breakout rooms, a combination of learning methods will be used throughout the day, including trainer presentation and group work in the form of case studies and reflection dilemmas to support application to practice. Local templates and expectations will be embedded in the programme where required and appropriate.
Learning Outcomes:
This course will provide participants with the following learning outcomes:
- A clear understanding of what is meant by Relationship-Based Practice.
- An understanding of how to connect with people whilst maintaining boundaries.
- How to use ‘self’ and/or ‘lived experience’ appropriately.
- How to achieve co-production with individuals and families.
- How to support people as part of a multi-agency response.
- How to communicate effectively across multi-agency contexts.
Programme Outline:
9.00 Log-in – Check your connection, camera & mic (then get a cuppa)
9.30 Introduction to the session and the tech
9.45 What Is Relationship-Based Practice
- Definitions of relationship-based practice
- How relational Social Work Looks in Practice.
- Utilising Strengths-Based and Trauma Informed Principles
- Understanding Coproduction.
11.10 COFFEE
11.30 Stages of Relationship-Based Practice
- Stage 1: A shared and transparent understanding of involvement.
- Stage 2: A collaborative construction of concerns.
- Stage 3: A mutually determined analysis.
- Stage 4: A collaborative intervention strategy
12.30 LUNCH
1.15 Managing Use of Self, Lived Experience and Boundaries
- Considering what you want to share and why
- Keeping the Person at the Centre of your Practice
- Knowing Policies and Procedures
- Using Supervision
3.00 Working in Multi-Agency Contexts
- Understanding & articulating your own role and remit
- Understanding the remit of others
- Talking the same language
- Keeping the person at the centre of your practice
- Effective Multi-Agency Working
- Troubleshooting.
4.00 Reflection and Review – learning points and next steps
4.30 CLOSE
The Trainer:
Tony Clamp, Specialist Trainer (Motivational Interviewing)
Tony is an Social Work England registered Social Worker with 25 years experience in both the voluntary & statutory sectors of social care.
Since qualifying as a Social Worker, Tony has held academic positions at a number of British universities, as well as spending time as a children's social care practitioner.
Tony is an experienced motivational interviewing practitioner and trainer. As one of DCC-i's core crew, Tony specialises in Motivational Interviewing and its application in practice as a means to improve the quality of child & family safeguarding.
"Best training I have had since starting my role as a social worker"