Our Scottish team work to support our members and promote the social work profession. If you have a question for one of the team please feel free to contact us directly below or reach out to the SASW team by emailing scotland@basw.co.uk.
Alison Bavidge - National Director of SASW
Alison's social work background includes working with children in care, people in the justice system and a wide range of work with adults with disabilities. She is particularly keen that social work in the future enables social workers to use the whole range of relational skills to support individuals and enhance community resilience.
Away from work, Alison enjoys a wide variety of dance forms and is a member of a local choir - no jokes about making a song and dance of things!
Email: alison.bavidge@basw.co.uk
Sarah Jackson - Events and Marketing Officer
On the Event’s side Sarah looks after the production of all the SASW Conferences and events activities. This includes the Mental Health Officers conference, forums and community of practice events, the rural social work meetings and the social work policy panel.
Sarah supports SASW's communications and marketing activity through social media, member communications and marketing of SASW products and activities.
In her spare time Sarah enjoys running and playing piano.
Email: sarah.jackson@basw.co.uk
Karin Heber - Professional Officer
As one of our two Professional Officers who act as a link between our policy work, the profession and our work to support members, Karin leads on everything related to Education & Training, Social Work Professional Support Service, Higher Education Institutes (HEIs)/students/Newly Qualified Social Workers (NQSW) and Workforce.
Karin is a care experienced social worker and a climate activist. She very much enjoys any outdoor activities it doesn’t come with natural talents and has led to limbs in plaster casts on several occasions. All our Professional Officers are registered social workers.
Email: karin.heber@basw.co.uk
Susan Dobson - Professional Officer
As one of our two Professional Officers who act as a link between our policy work, the profession and our work to support members, Susan leads on anti-racism in social work, National Social Work Agency (NSWA) Leadership & Culture, Public Protection and Getting it Right for Everyone (GIRFE). All our Professional Officers are registered social workers.
Susan has 2 kids and loves live music, cinema and days at the beach.
Email: susan.dobson@basw.co.uk
Frank Reilly - Independent Advisor
Frank's area of focus as a contractor is Adults and the National Care Service.
Frank is a keen amateur musician and musical tinkerer. He’s also coming to the end of a part time PhD which has taken way too long to finish.
Email: frank.reilly@basw.co.uk
George Hannah - Senior Public Affairs and Communications Officer
George leads on SASW's Public Affairs and political engagement for the Scottish Parliament, our media relations and internal and external communications. George is a member of the Chartered Institute of Public Relations.
George has 2 kids and enjoys sailing and campervanning in his spare time, which has led to his minor obsession with weather reports.
Email: george.hannah@basw.co.uk