BASW England
Formerly known as PPEGs, BASW England has 9 thematic groups:
- Adult Social Work Group
- Black & Ethnic Minority Professionals Symposium
- Children & Families Group
- Criminal Justice Group
- Emergency Duty Team
- Mental Health Group
- Professional Capabilities and Development Group
- Social Workers in Health Group
- Student & Newly Qualified Social Workers Group
These groups of members work together to influence UK policy and and share knowledge and expertise.
Not sure where your area of interest in social work fits? Email and we'll try and match you to the right group for you.
BASW England
Adult Social Work
The England-specific Social Work with Adults Group was established to promote social work with adults. The group has developed a policy position in relation to the Future of Adult Social Care taken forward in the Ten Reforms for Social Care. A submission is currently being developed in response to the APPG for Social Work call for evidence on the integration of social care with the NHS. Policy position statements on the Health and Care Bill have been developed and member engagement continues in order to inform the oral evidence that BASW will give to the Public Bill Committee in September 2021.
The adult group is also developing a policy position in relation to self-funders and is contributing to research about strengths based approaches.
Black & Ethnic Minority Professionals Symposium
The Black & Ethnic Minority Professionals Symposium (BPS) is a safe online space for Black & Ethnic Minority social workers to educate, empower and equip themselves to navigate the various institutional and structural obstacles they face as professionals.
The BPS is a necessary opportunity to role-model black and ethnic minority excellence, professionalism and unity.
Children & Families
The Children & Families Group promotes good practice in children and family social work by disseminating information and seeking to influence UK policy. The group includes academic members, senior managers and social workers. The group’s work includes responding to government calls for evidence and contributing to the ‘Working Together to Safeguard Children’ statutory guidance.
The group is also supports the Disabled Children's Subgroup.
Criminal Justice
The Criminal Justice Group recognises the important interface between social work and the criminal and youth justice systems. The group values the contributions of members from a range of social work backgrounds to influence BASW policies and formulate responses to relevant government consultations and reforms. Members are concerned with a range of issues including: the protection of rights, ethical offender management, working with children and families and the integration of social work interventions in the rehabilitation of offenders.
Emergency Duty Team
The EDT group exists to address the unique challenges faced by emergency duty teams across England, and to work together to campaign for improved working conditions, training opportunities, and best practice. Please contact for further information on joining.
Click here to view the findings of a survey on the impact of COVID-19 on Emergency Duty Team Staff in England
Mental Health Group
The influential Mental Health Group consists of experienced academics and practitioners in mental health and mental capacity. The group influences UK policy and aims to make mental health social work practice more humane and ethical. The group’s work includes a submission to the Mental Health Act review.
Professional Capabilities and Development
The Professional Capabilities and Development Group consists of experienced practitioners involved in social work education. The group members form eclectic representation for practice educators, people with lived experience, universities, teaching partnerships, local authorities and members of partnering social work organisations. The central aim of the group is to ensure that those entering the social work profession have cohesive, quality assured standards to guide their practice, which reflect social work values and the principles of equality, diversity and inclusion.
BASW has taken ownership of the Practice Educator Practice Standards (PEPS) and we are committed to promoting high standards of professional practice and practice education that is owned across the sector.
Social Workers in Health
The England specific Social Workers in Health Group was established in December 2022 in response to a request from members working in a variety of settings including NHS Mental Health Trusts, NHS Acute Foundation Trusts, Independent Charities etc. The group is exploring the strengths and challenges posed by working within organisations which are predominantly health led and health focussed.
Student & Newly Qualified Social Workers
The main aim of the group is to give a voice to student’s and newly qualified social workers in support of the BASW 2025 vision. With recognition that these groups are the future of social work, we will share knowledge and ideas with other Subgroups and wider social work to assist forging a positive future for social work and social workers.
The group is currently working on a webinar about getting your first social work role. There will be a panel of experts, students and newly qualified social workers to take questions.
Download the BASW England thematic group terms of reference