We are pleased to grow meaningful collaboration and influence of lived experience throughout the association through representation on BASW Council and across our committees, groups and networks.
Ruth Allen, CEO BASWGreater co-production with Experts by Experience of social work is one important part of our ongoing commitment to greater inclusivity, equality and celebration of diversity.
Role of BASW Council Experts by Experience Forum Members
To champion and give voice to the value and impact of people with a lived experience in BASW’s activities.
To build a community of interest with Experts by Experience (EBEs) to come together, making connections between different parts of BASW.
To advocate as representatives of people who have experience of social workers, social work, and social services as EBEs.
To enable BASW to achieve its Mission of supporting social workers, improving social work and promoting social justice.
We will do this by:
- Being a critical friend to BASW
- Enabling richer discussions and better decisions
- Embracing BASW’s commitment to social justice.
- Creating safe space through its policies and processes to ensure effective collaboration.
- Providing input to:
- BASW’s vision and mission
- BASW’s business plan
- BASW’s Annual Report and Annual General Meeting
- Specific areas of development.
Who can join?
BASW EBE forum Membership is available to people who have lived experience of social work either as a current or former social work service user, living in all 4 Nations Wales, Northern Ireland, England and Scotland. The membership subgroup will check/monitor all Expressions of Interest to ensure we have diverse representation on the group from all 4 Nations.
Expectation of Members
- Members of the Forum will follow the BASW Code of Ethics and associated policies (attach link).
- Questions about the working of the Forum will be raised through Council.
- Any concerns about the actions of individual members will be responded to by Councilmembers under the Code of Conduct for Council and Committee members.
When attending any BASW Meeting, Members to be aware of :
- Confidentiality
- Listen and understand others’ perspectives
- Allow time to express opinions
- Be respectful
- Avoid abbreviations and jargon
- Clear communications
- Read information in advance of meeting if and where possible
- Make and be aware of, reasonable adjustments of different members, e.g. if chat function is used, please also read the chat out loud.
- Value each other’s differences and agree to disagree.