This standing committee is responsible for overseeing the development and promotion of BASW UK policy, ethics and human rights. The committee is responsible for commissioning and approving the Association’s UK policy and practice guidance. Members serve for up to four years with meetings taking place four times a year.
Find out more about Policy, Ethics and Human Rights (PEHR) Committee, or to request copies of meeting minutes, contact Helen Randle on in the first instance.
The Finance & Organisational Development Committee is responsible for the Association’s finances and staffing. Members serve for two years with meetings taking place six times a year.
The International Committee is a standing committee which exists to promote social work as an international profession, focussing on the work of the International Federation of Social Work (IFSW), Global Observatories and Global Agenda.
Its core values and commitment to human rights, social justice and the well-being of all citizens, transcend geographical and cultural boundaries. Members serve for up to four years with meetings taking place four times a year.
Find out more about the International Committee (IC) or to request copies of meeting minutes, contact Helen Randle on in the first instance.
Committee members are elected to serve for two years. The committee works with BASW staff, particularly the BASW England National Director, to discuss current issues for social work and identify the strategic priorities for the year ahead. The Chair and Vice Chair of the committee also sit on the BASW Council.
Visit BASW's jobs board for any current vacancies.
The Northern Ireland Committee meets 6 times per year. The committee work with the staff team to take forward the BASW Northern Ireland Strategic Plan and are also actively involved in development of policy and consultation responses, promotion and recruitment activities, representation of BASW Northern Ireland at various working groups and conferences.
Scotland Committee is the governing body of the work of SASW. It meets six times a year. The Committee steers the work of SASW in meeting members’ needs including study and seminar opportunities, responding to government and Scottish consultations, campaigning for improvements in providing social work services, maintaining links with UK and international social work developments - and other concerns brought to the Committee by members.
The committee meets six times a year. Committee members come from across Wales and have a wide range of experience.