SASW and Social Work Scotland joint response to Equalities and Human Rights Committee inquiry into impact of the pandemic on human rights 15 January 2021
SASW response to Disabled Children and Young People (Transitions to Adulthood) (Scotland) Bill Call for Evidence 12 January 2021
Independent Review of Adult Social Care - SASW Position Statement Read the position statement including key messages for the Independent Review 10 November 2020
BASW letter to adult social care charities, providers and other organisations across the UK, to express pledges of support for the sector. 31 July 2020
Capabilities Statement for social work with autistic adults - Implementation resources Toolkits for social workers, organisations, people with lived experience and educators 17 June 2020
Capabilities Statement for adults with learning disability - Implementation resources Toolkits for social workers, organisations, people with lived experience and educators 17 June 2020
Curriculum outline for postgraduate qualification pathway for social work with people with learning disabilities For social work educators 17 June 2020