Anti-Racism Resources - BASW England See resources from BASW England and the BPS around anti-racist social work practice, including webinars, podcasts and articles. 31 January 2024
Member only content Money and Power: How does social work in Scotland work and how is it paid for? An introduction into the structures, governance and finances that affect social work in Scotland. 13 October 2023
Department for Education consultation (May 2022) on regulatory framework and the proposed technical changes to the Social Workers Regulations 2018: BASW England and SWU response 7 June 2022
Digital capabilities for social workers A BASW/SCIE project to support social workers, employers, educators, leaders and experts by experience to develop skills and knowledge in the use of digital technology 1 September 2021
BASW NI response to the consultation on the Duty of Candour and Being Open policy proposals developed by the Inquiry into Hyponatraemia-Related Deaths Programme Duty of Candour Workstream and Being Open Sub-Group 5 July 2021