Governance Find out how BASW is governed, including information on BASW Council, committees and BASW AGM
People with lived experience BASW connects with many people with lived and living experience of social work services who continue to enrich our work. Social work around the UK We have dedicated teams working across the nations to promote and influence social work. Groups and networks Find a range of opportunities to network with like-minded colleagues to discuss practice and share knowledge and ideas Media Centre Find BASW's latest news and statements including BASW and SWU’s latest involvement in TV interviews, radio shows, online and print media.
People with lived experience BASW connects with many people with lived and living experience of social work services who continue to enrich our work.
Social work around the UK We have dedicated teams working across the nations to promote and influence social work.
Groups and networks Find a range of opportunities to network with like-minded colleagues to discuss practice and share knowledge and ideas
Media Centre Find BASW's latest news and statements including BASW and SWU’s latest involvement in TV interviews, radio shows, online and print media.