What is it?
The Cross-Party Group (CPG) on Social Work is formed of MSPs and individuals and organisations from across social work, spanning service delivery, lived experience and policy and research.
The aim of the group is to promote understanding of the social work profession, bring together its voice and positively raise its profile.
SASW provides the secretariat to the group, which is convened by Fulton MacGregor MSP, who was a registered social worker who practiced in justice before his election in 2016. Co-vice convening are Jeremy Balfour MSP, who lives with a physical disability and has lived experience of social work services, and Paul O’Kane MSP, a former councillor and charity worker who is married to a social worker.
How to get Involved
Anyone can join the CPG. You do not need to have an understanding of parliament or background in politics or policy making. The CPG is for the social work profession- so we need social workers, students, anyone working within the profession or with lived experience of social work services to be part of it!
If you are interested in joining the CPG, either as a member or an observer, contact cpgsocialwork@basw.co.uk
The group must meet a minimum of twice a year. All meetings currently take place online.
You can read previous minutes for all past meetings of the CPG on the Scottish Parliament website here.