From debt advice to charity grants and scholarships, BASW supports a range of financial services that offer support to social workers.
Debt advice
Are you struggling to keep up with repayments to creditors? BASW is working with national debt charity StepChange to provide members with free, non-judgemental, and confidential advice on dealing with debts.
Their online debt advice service is available 24 hours a day, or call helpline on 0800 138 1111 (Monday to Friday 8am-8pm and Saturday 8am to 4pm). They will help you understand if there’s a debt solution for you.
Charity grants and scholarships
The Social Workers’ Benevolent Trust (SWBT) and The Social Workers’ Educational Trust (SWET) both offer financial support to social workers. These registered charities were established by BASW in the early 1970s and now operate independently.
The Social Workers’ Benevolent Trust
The Social Workers’ Benevolent Trust gives financial help to social workers in need. In our financial year 2021/22, grants totalling over £112,000 were distributed to social work professionals experiencing difficulties due to sickness, bereavement, family problems, frailty or sudden catastrophe.
Visit the Social Workers’ Benevolent Trust website for more information about how to apply and donate.
Or donate direct using this link.
The Social Workers’ Educational Trust
The Social Workers’ Educational Trust aims to assist qualified social workers to develop their knowledge and skills, encourage research into social work practice and education, and educate the public in the nature of social work.
The trustees currently meet 3 times a year to consider applications. At each meeting the trustees award grants of up to £500 to individual social workers who have been qualified and practicing for at least two years, in order to fund training and research. They also make awards to Team Projects for up to £1000. In addition, once a year SWET awards up to three £3000 scholarships.
Visit the Social Workers’ Educational Trust website for more information about how to apply.
International Development Fund
The International Development Fund (IDF) is sustained with a £2 per annum, per member levy on the BASW membership, with a view to:
- Facilitate the international exchange of skills, knowledge, and expertise
- Assist social workers and others to develop their knowledge and skills on international issues
- Provide opportunities to network with international professionals
- Examine research and models of practice outside of the UK
- Build a database of international contacts
Visit the International Development Fund website for more information about how to apply.
Save on your membership subscription
- Claim tax back on your membership subscription
If you are a UK tax payer and pay for your BASW membership fee yourself, you can claim tax relief on professional association membership subscriptions. You can claim up to four years’ subscription fees.
Find out more on the HM Revenue & Customs website. If you make a claim using SRS Ltd’s service, the company will pay £10 to the Social Workers’ Benevolent Trust.
- Part time fee reductions
If you are considering joining us or are a member who has reduced your working hours, we offer a reduced cost for working category members working under 25 hours per week.
- Parental leave
If you are a BASW member on parental leave, you are eligible for a 33% discount off your current BASW membership fee for up to 12 months. If you are opted in to the Social Workers Union, you are also eligible for 50% discount from your membership fee for up to 12 months. Please contact the BASW membership team to action this on your profile.