Social worker launches punk album with a social conscience
Published by Professional Social Work magazine, 15 August, 2022
A punk rock album with a social conscience has been released by an adults social worker.
Rodney Faizi – aka Rodney Rock!t – started writing songs during lockdown.
“I picked up the guitar and away I went,” he says. “It was one a week after that. It was just something to achieve in life, to say I have produced an album.”
Rodney says all the songs on the album – called !n a State - are influenced by his experience as a social worker.
Subjects dealt with include food banks, domestic violence, racism, Covid-19, mental health, dementia and alienation. A song from the album to celebrate LGBT Pride Month called LGBTTTQQIAAP was released in June.
Rodney has also written a new song about the cost-of-living crisis which he plans to release soon as an EP.
“People are struggling,” he says. “Food prices have gone up and people have to make cutbacks – not being able to eat three meals a day. People with pets are struggling to feed them – it affects everyone, even friends I know.”
Rodney says his music is influenced by punk rock, a music scene that grew out of youth disillusionment during the 70s, which Rodney believes could be ripe for a revival.
“I grew up on the Kings Road in London and I remember seeing the punks. My mother would pull me away from them, but the punks were really good with the kids, unlike the racist skinheads.
“I’ve always been a big Sex Pistols fan, they are a big musical influence. The cost of living crisis at the moment reminds me of being a kid in the 70s when there were power cuts. I have a feeling a punk revival could happen now – it's just building up to it.”
!n a State was recorded with a local band called The Heavy North made up of lead guitarist Jose Ibanez, bass player Andrew Horroceks and drummer Mark Rice supported by Emille Durant on keyboards.
Liverpool musician Chris Mullins also helped on the album which can be found on online streaming platforms, including Spotify and YouTube.