BASW Vlog: Ruth Allen CEO is joined by Denise Turner to talk 'Social Work and Covid-19'
In this short vlog, CEO Ruth Allen talks to Dr Denise Turner, Editor of Social Work and Covid-19: Lessons for education and practice
In this short vlog, CEO Ruth Allen talks to Dr Denise Turner, Editor of Social Work and Covid-19: Lessons for education and practice (2021) from Critical Publishing about how the book came about, its diverse authors and topics.
There is also a discussion about Denise’s own chapter on ‘Loss, change and meaning making during Covid-19’ and how it may help us reflect, as people and as social workers, on the reality and our sense-making of death and bereavement during the pandemic. It is particularly poignant in the week we passed a tragic 100,000 deaths from Covid-19 across the UK.