Coronavirus COVID-19 SASW Update
During this time of unprecedented challenge, the team at SASW want to assure members that we are doing everything we can behind the scenes to support and advocate for you.
Conversations with stakeholders across the sector are ongoing, including the Office of the Chief Social Work Adviser, Social Work Scotland, Universities and the SSSC, and we will keep you informed as and when we know more. This includes following up on multiple queries regarding student placements, and issues regarding protective wear for front line social work staff.
Should you require clarification on guidance to do your job, visit the SSSC website or the Coronavirus hub on the BASW website.
Equally, if you have any specific concerns that you want us to raise on your behalf, or that you think we should be aware of, please contact the Scotland Mailbox which will be monitored by multiple staff members at all times.
We will continue to embrace new ways of working, including making use of live video streaming, podcasts and written word so that members can feel connected. You can find webinars and e-learning in the “social work learning” tab on the BASW website, and podcasts can be accessed through the media centre. We are working on updating these for you, and you will be signposted to new content via the weekly ebulletin, and across our social media platforms.
The value of Social Work in situations like this, and indeed every day, cannot be overstated. In the face of such uncertainty, it’s even more important to remain reflective, appropriately taking care of our own needs with colleagues and supervisors, while remaining the voice of reason and calm for those we work to support.
Wishing strength and calm to you, your families and your clients.