Social care workers in Wales urged to take part in annual survey

Social Care Wales has launched its third annual Have Your Say survey of the social care workforce!
The survey gives all those working in the social care sector in Wales a unique opportunity to answer questions about things like their health and well-being, pay and conditions, and what they like about working in the sector.
There is no need to prepare for the Have Your Say survey and it will take about 15 minutes to complete.
The responses generate an excellent insight into the social care sector and help inform the support offered by Social Care Wales and its partners. They also highlight important issues to policy makers in Welsh Government.
The survey will be open until 7 March. Complete the survey now online.
The results of the 2024 survey were announced back in October 2024 and the results for the 2025 survey will be shared later this year.
Social Care Wales has commissioned Buckinghamshire New University, Bath Spa University and the British Association of Social Workers to help carry out this work, having worked with the same group of partners to deliver the survey last year.
Everyone who completes the survey will have a chance to enter a draw to win a £20 shopping voucher.
Sarah McCarty, Social Care Wales Chief Executive, said:
“This survey is your opportunity to make your voice heard by telling us about your experiences of working in social care in Wales.
“More than 5,000 people responded to last year's survey. Thank you to all of you who took the time to respond.
“Your responses highlighted your commitment to making a difference to people’s lives, and your dedication to individuals and their families is clear.
“But you also raised some really important issues that we’re working in partnership to help address.
“You can find out more about the steps we’re taking together in the social care workforce delivery plan, or in the Minister for Children and Social Care’s written response to last year’s findings.
“We know that you’re busy, your time is precious and that completing a survey won't be a priority. But taking the time to tell us what you think will help us and our wider partners to respond to the needs of the workforce more effectively.
“Please don't miss your chance to have your say. “
Visit the Social Care Wales website to find out more, or complete the survey now.
Gweithwyr gofal cymdeithasol yng Nghymru yn cael eu hannog i gymryd rhan mewn arolwg blynyddol
Mae Gofal Cymdeithasol Cymru wedi lansio ei drydydd arolwg blynyddol o’r gweithlu gofal cymdeithasol, Dweud Eich Dweud!
Mae’r arolwg yn rhoi cyfle unigryw i bawb sy’n gweithio ym maes gofal cymdeithasol yng Nghymru i ateb cwestiynau am bethau fel eu hiechyd a’u llesiant, cyflog ac amodau gwaith, a’r hyn y maent yn ei hoffi am weithio yn y sector.
Nid oes angen paratoi ar gyfer yr arolwg Dweud Eich Dweud a bydd yn cymryd tua 15 munud i’w gwblhau.
Mae’r ymatebion yn rhoi mewnwelediad i’r sector gofal cymdeithasol ac yn helpu i lywio’r cymorth sy’n cael ei gynnig gan Ofal Cymdeithasol Cymru a’i bartneriaid. Maent hefyd yn amlygu materion pwysig i lunwyr polisi yn Llywodraeth Cymru.
Bydd yr arolwg ar agor tan 7 Mawrth. Cwblhewch yr arolwg ar lein nawr.
Cyhoeddwyd canlyniadau arolwg 2024 ym mis Hydref 2024 a bydd canlyniadau arolwg 2025 yn cael eu rhannu yn ddiweddarach eleni.
Mae Gofal Cymdeithasol Cymru wedi comisiynu Prifysgol Newydd Swydd Buckingham, Prifysgol Bath Spa a Chymdeithas Gweithwyr Cymdeithasol Prydain (BASW) i helpu i wneud y gwaith hwn, ar ôl gweithio gyda’r un grŵp o bartneriaid i gyflawni arolwg y llynedd.
Bydd pawb sy'n cwblhau'r arolwg yn cael cyfle i gymryd rhan mewn raffl i ennill taleb siopa gwerth £20.
Dywedodd Sarah McCarty, Prif Weithredwr Gofal Cymdeithasol Cymru:
“Yr arolwg hwn yw eich cyfle i leisio’ch barn drwy ddweud wrthym am eich profiadau o weithio ym maes gofal cymdeithasol yng Nghymru.
“Ymatebodd mwy na 5,000 o bobl i arolwg y llynedd. Diolch i bob un ohonoch a gymerodd yr amser i ymateb.
“Fe wnaeth eich ymatebion dynnu sylw at eich ymrwymiad i wneud gwahaniaeth i fywydau pobl, ac mae eich ymroddiad i unigolion a’u teuluoedd yn glir.
“Ond fe wnaethoch chi hefyd godi rhai materion pwysig iawn rydyn ni’n gweithio mewn partneriaeth i helpu i fynd i’r afael â nhw.
“Gallwch chi ddarganfod mwy am y camau rydyn ni’n eu cymryd gyda’n gilydd yng Nghynllun cyflawni gweithlu gofal cymdeithasol, neu yn ymateb ysgrifenedig y Gweinidog Plant a Gofal Cymdeithasol i ganfyddiadau’r llynedd.
“Rydyn ni’n gwybod eich bod yn brysur, bod eich amser yn werthfawr ac na fydd cwblhau arolwg yn flaenoriaeth. Ond bydd cymryd yr amser i rannu eich barn yn ein helpu ni a’n partneriaid ehangach i ymateb i anghenion y gweithlu yn fwy effeithiol.
“Peidiwch â cholli'ch cyfle i ddweud eich dweud.”
Ewch i wefan Gofal Cymdeithasol Cymru i ddarganfod mwy, neu cwblhewch yr arolwg nawr.