BASW England National Standing Committee election results
BASW England National Standing Committee elections
BASW England National Standing Committee (NSC) is delighted to announce the following members have been elected to serve on the NSC for 2 years with the option to stand again for a further two years.
List of successful elected members are
- Dr Andrew Gill - Chair
- Angie Bartoli - Vice Chair
- Clare O'Neill - Claire O'Neil
- Elizabeth Njenga - NQSW
- Julia Wassell - Elected member
- Kathleen Henderson - Elected member
- Tony Singh - Elected member
We would like to thank all our members who stood for election and for the dedication, hard work and contribution of committee members who will be standing down.
Special thanks to Allan Orrick, -former Chair , Michael Chapman - former Interim Vice Chair, Kate Plant former Student representative and Brian Douieb former committee member for their significant contribution to BASW England and the NSC.