BASW’s college vision welcomed by opposition party
BASW’s plan to launch an independent College of Social Work across the UK has prompted interest from the Conservative Party.
Shadow children’s minister Tim Loughton responded to the launch of a referendum of BASW members on establishing an independent college by stating: “We are very interested in this proposal”.
Mr Loughton said his party would be “watching developments closely,” before going onto suggest how the proposal might begin to address the challenges facing social work. “Social workers need to be seen as part of the solution rather than part of the problem and an independent college would be one means of promoting this ideal. It is particularly urgent now given the huge knock that social workers have taken since Baby Peter,” he said.
BASW revealed the referendum decision on 3 March, following a meeting of the Association’s UK Council in late February. BASW members are expected to receive ballot papers next week and need to cast their votes by noon on 21 April.
BASW is strongly urging members to vote yes and pave the way for the launch of an independent college.