Changes to the Winter Fuel Allowance | BASW Statement
On Tuesday 10 September, MPs voted on whether to change eligibility for the Winter Fuel Allowance.
The Allowance is currently paid by Westminster to every household in England and Wales that includes someone born on or before 22nd September 1958 (for the 2024-2025 winter), with households receiving up to £300.
This had previously been paid to every person eligible due to their age, but the UK government proposed to change eligibility requirements which reduced the number of people eligible. From this year, the only people who will receive the Winter Fuel Allowance are those born on or before 22nd September 1958 who also receive benefits such as Pension Credit.
Scottish and Northern Ireland governments currently fund the Winter Fuel Allowance through their block grants from Westminster, but the cut to the allowance will reduce the block grant and may lead to those governments choosing not to fund this any further.
BASW's Position
We support the principle that the wealthiest in our society should contribute their fair share, and that at a time when many people are struggling to make ends meet, it is not appropriate for those on higher incomes to receive additional funds from government that they do not need. We accept that the government is trying to navigate a complex financial situation, and that wealth should be redistributed to those most in need and not awarded to those with do not need additional mind.
Although we recognise the government’s intention, we are concerned that the change in policy will result in a cliff edge, and we urge the government to think again. Millions of people of state pension age who do not receive pension credit are also not on high incomes. By setting a limit on those eligible to just those in receipt of pension credit ignores that there are many people who are just about getting by and it is the winter fuel allowance that helps them in more expensive times of year, such as a the winter when fuel usage and costs rise.
We now call on the government to identify how they can prevent a cliff edge by considering increasing the threshold for pension credit and how to increase uptake of pension credit.
Impact on social work
Social workers who work with older people will know how important the Winter Fuel Allowance is for health and wellbeing. The Allowance gives older people the confidence to keep their homes heated without fear of large bills that they cannot afford to pay.
Older people are more vulnerable to seasonal-related illnesses such as the flu, and cold temperatures can further exacerbate these illnesses and increase the risk of hospital treatment. The Winter Fuel Allowance is a lifeline for many and could make the difference between someone living a healthy winter or passing away from complications of cold temperatures.
What can social workers do?
We encourage social workers who encounter people of state pension age who are concerned about the winter fuel allowance to encourage individuals and their families to apply for Pension Credit if they are eligible. Just 63% of those eligible for Pension Credit are actually claiming it, which leaves a significant proportion of people that aren’t getting the financing they are entitled to from the government.
Age UK have published a Winter Fuel Allowance campaigner pack which is a good resource for those wishing to challenge the policy further -