Government Independent Review of the Human Rights Act
As part of the Government’s Independent Review of the Human Rights Act, BASW UK has submitted a response to the review giving evidence on the way that the human rights act is used by social workers.
Read the full response from BASW
The review is looking at two key areas – the relationship between domestic courts and the European Court of Human Rights, and the impact of the Human Rights Act on the relationship between the judiciary (courts), the executive (Government), and the legislature (Parliament).
BASWs response focused on how social workers use the Human Rights Act in their day to day roles, and used the example of campaign group Article 39 taking the Government to court over SI 445 to demonstrate why the courts should be able to hold the executive to account.
Our response also questioned the accessibility of the review, with no easy-read version available and the use of complex language in the call for evidence.
The review closed to contributions on 3rd March.