Justice Social Work and a future National Care Service - workforce panel applications now open
An ‘in principle’ decision on the inclusion of Justice Social Work (JSW) in a future National Care Service (NCS) is due to be taken by Scottish Government Ministers in October 2023. To assist with this, an options appraisal informed by research and a series of engagement events is planned. In order that this work is as collaborative as possible, the Scottish Government is developing a workforce panel as part of this programme of activity. This will comprise a small representative group of approximately 10 -15 frontline Justice Social Work practitioners.
This panel will offer an invaluable practice perspective on any forthcoming proposals which will assist Scottish Government officials tasked with providing advice to Ministers. Involvement in the workforce panel offers a unique opportunity for practitioners working in all aspects of Justice Social Work to contribute to this decision making process.
This group will be in addition to planned extensive stakeholder engagement which includes Justice Social Work, those with lived experience and partners. They will provide enhanced input and ensure that the views of the workforce are reflected at key points in the process.
Specifically the remit of the group will include:
- Providing guidance and input in to the development of the options and the framework to assess those options
- Providing guidance and advice on the role of JSW and any interdependencies which are relevant to the development of the options.
- Offering a sense check as the options evolve to ensure that they reflect the true nature of JSW and the wider implications of the options on service delivery
- Helping to shape the content of the planned workshops with wider JSW staff and key partners
- Engaging with IPSOS on relevant elements of the research including identifying the case study areas
- Provide advice and guidance to the Scottish Government officials on methods of wider engagement with JSW and those with lived experience
- Providing an overview which reflects those of the wider workforce
It is intended to gain representation from both para-professional and qualified social workers at all levels currently practising within Justice Social Work. They will represent a broad range of geographical locations and be drawn from both community and prison based teams.
Participation will require some time away from regular duties so will therefore require line manager approval
These will take place on line via MS Teams. They will be bi-monthly and last approx. 1 – 2 hrs during the period February 2023 –March 2024. It is likely that meetings will take place on a Wednesday but this can be discussed further at the initial meeting of the Panel. The meetings will be focussed on relevant topics with papers sent out in advance so participants have an opportunity to discuss with colleagues and consider responses beforehand.
The meetings will be minuted with responses noted but not attributable to any particular individuals. This information will be used to inform both the on-going research and the work of the reference group as the options appraisal work develops.
How to apply
The Scottish Government are inviting a brief note of interest of no more than 250 words stating current workplace, geographical location, whether qualified social worker or para-professional and reasons for your interest in being part of this workforce panel. This will also need to confirm your line manager’s approval to release you for the meetings for the duration of the workforce panel.
Notes of interest should be submitted to NCSJustice@gov.scot no later than close of play on Tuesday 31 January 2023.