Local authorities invited to join Named Social Worker pilot
The Department of Health intends to carry out a second phase of the named social worker pilot during 2017/18 and is inviting expressions of interest from local authorities which have not been involved to date.
The pilot that ran during 2016/17 enabled six local authorities to develop and share their understanding of how having a named social worker can help people with learning disabilities and/or autism or mental health needs achieve better outcomes. The latest report is available at: http://www.scie.org.uk/social-work/named-social-worker
Subject to final budget confirmation, the Department of Health expects to continue to work with a number of the local authorities involved in 2016/17 and to support two additional local authorities in joining the pilot, with a particular emphasis on applying the learning and insights gathered to date. The Innovation Unit and SCIE will continue to partner with the Department, providing support to local areas and a wider community of practice, completing an overall evaluation, developing tools and resources and disseminating learning.
Local authorities that would like to find out more or to apply should contact: nsw@innovationunit.org.
The Department of Health is requesting that applications are returned by Friday 25 August.