Research funding opportunities for individuals
The NIHR also has a long-term involvement in funding social care research (which includes social work) and is increasingly developing research opportunities for the social work aspects of social care.
This creates opportunities for social workers who are interested in careers in research.
BASW is pleased to promote Individual Research Career Development Awards opportunities funded by NIHR.
Here is a funding opportunity for 2020 (see ICA PCAF Round 3 Applicant Guidance 2020). We are anticipating a new call for applicants from Jan 2021.
Securing funding from the NIHR is a highly competitive process and as a result there are high standards of entry and acceptance. Please note that the funding is provided by the NIHR and consequently NIHR sets the criteria for acceptance, not BASW.
Those who have an interest in developing a research career in the social work aspects of social care and are looking at a different entry point may find the Research Internships resources by NHS Heath Education England useful.
We envisage that these funding opportunities for individuals will become available on an annual cycle. As with any significant career opportunity, careful early preparation, of up to a year or more in advance, can bring considerable advantages.
BASW is keen to support members who might meet the criteria and are considering making an application.
If you are interested in applying, to help us with this, tell us in 300 words your qualifications, your research experience, your current role and whether you are interested in applying for a funding round in 2020, 2021, or subsequent years, and send it to headed ‘NIHR Research Funding for Individuals’.
We will then get in touch with you.