SASW Convener and Vice Convener Nominations
SASW is a membership organisation, run by and for its members, so why not become actively involved in informing what we do, and shaping its future priorities! All SASW activity counts towards your re-registration requirements. The Scotland Committee has a maximum of 15 people who work in Scotland.
This year we are anticipating some major changes, both our Convener and Vice Convener positions become vacant, as existing post holders come to the end of term or have vacated the position. We are also looking to recruit new members, and are interested in a student member.
There is a time table for nominating and electing the Scotland Committee:
Before May 12: download nomination form or email
May: see instructions on electoral procedure at E-bulletin will be sent out to all SASW members: Election to be held on line May 12-16
3 June: Annual Meeting, Election results are announced of new Scotland Committee 2014, Convener and Vice Convener are nominated and chosen, treasurer will be agreed by Committee
June meeting of Scotland Committee: Committee to confirm 1 continuing member of BASW Council and nominate 1 new member of Council
The Scotland Committee meets 6 times a year, some of these meetings are by telephone or video conferencing. For further information please contact Colin Stark or Trisha Hall at the SASW office.