Seasons Greeting e-Card by Harry Venning: Over £1000 raised to support homeless shelters
This winter BASW has been fundraising to support homeless shelters across the UK by encouraging members to share festive wishes with a specially designed Clare in the Community eCard by Harry Venning.
This winter BASW has been fundraising to support homeless shelters across the UK by encouraging members to share festive wishes with a specially designed Clare in the Community eCard by Harry Venning.
We are delighted to announce that we hit our target of £1000 - and would like to say a big thank you to everyone who took part!
In total, £1073 was raised by 50 supporters, which is a fitting number given that 2020 marked 50 years of BASW.
The funds donated will be split equally between four homeless shelters from around the UK:
- Birmingham Christmas Shelter
- Welcome organisation, Belfast
- The Care Society, Wales
- FourSquare, Edinburgh
Thanks again for helping us to make a difference to peoples' lives this winter.