Support for families in the Perinatal Period in the context of COVID-19
Social workers are experiencing major barriers in delivering support to users of services at this time - and it it is recognised that lockdown will have an even greater impact upon the mental wellbeing and safety of families.
Perinatal Mental Health services are having to manage various inevitable barriers to support mothers, and consequently their partners and families. Maternal Mental Health Scotland have produced a blog, which is intended to summarise the help available to women and families in Scotland around their mental health at this time, including government advice, NHS services, third sector support.
You can read it, here.
Inspiring Scotland are collecting information for an online database of Third Sector organisations supporting women and families with mental health. You can take part in this database, here.
If social workers have any questions about further available resources in this field, please contact Clare Thompson on or Cath Fergus-Allen on