SWU announces theme for 2022 student essay competition
The Social Workers Union (SWU) has announced the theme for their annual World Social Work Day student essay competition. The competition is open for entries on Tuesday 15th March 2022.
The question posed is: Considering the current negative TV and general media portrayals of social workers what action can be taken to change this?
The four most compelling arguments within the word limit of 750-1000 words will win a grant of £500 each.
The competition is open to university students only and all UK universities. Click here to see the flyer with further competition details.
John McGowan, General Secretary of SWU, said, “I am delighted that the interest in our assignment competition grows each year and the calibre of entries is strong. This is a terrific question this year. Media criticism of the social work profession can undermine trust in the essential role social workers play and can also lead to victimisation of entirely innocent individuals, potentially causing damage to recruitment and retention in an already difficult to recruit and retain profession.”
All completed assignments will be judged by a panel.
Please forward your completed assignment before the closing date with a covering letter giving your name, address, university, year of study and academic tutor (if appropriate) to: joanne.marciano@swu-union.org.uk.
The assignment should be typed, have your full name, the assignment question as the title, and must follow an academic process; such as word count and Harvard Referencing System.
The closing date for the competition is Friday 24th June 2022 at 5pm.