SWU in solidarity with the FSCC Social Care Lobby Day
SWU is proud to support the Future Social Care Coalition (FSCC) who is calling on the Government to tackle the recruitment and retention emergency in social care provision, and to see social care workers get a fair deal and be paid the real living wage. Social Care is definitely not ‘fixed’ or ‘done’ despite Government promises, the Adult Social Care White Paper, and reforms in the Build Back Better Plan.
We urge social workers to show their support for the upcoming FSCC day of action.
Due to extreme weather warnings, the FSCC has decided to move the Social Care Lobby ONLINE
Join us on TUESDAY 19TH JULY from 14:30-16:00 on Zoom : https://www.eventbrite.co.uk/e/social-care-lobby-day-tickets-335200934017
This event will highlight the lack of capacity in the social care system and the fact that, even before the pandemic and the cost-of-living crisis hit, there were circa 110,000 vacancies in social care and now the gap is even deeper. Jordan, Natasha and Maria are carers who have recently shared their stories to help campaign for fair pay. These are just three of hundreds of care staff whose testimonies will be shared with MPs
Be sure to sign the Pledge
Even if you can’t attend the online event, you can pledge your support for a fair deal on the FSCC website. It’s a simple action but it shows how many people care! The Pledge card will be featured at the Social Care Lobby Day event with MPs and Peers showing their support.
You can also join in the conversation and help raise this campaign’s profile on social media with the hashtags #PayFair4Care, #GetSocialCareDone, and #TimeForAction.
The key messages that the FSCC is sending the Government are:
- Social Care matters to everyone and benefits everyone at some point in their lives – so #PayFair4Care
- Social Care is NOT done or FIXED #GetSocialCareDone
- Social Care is in CRISIS
- Social Care workers are disproportionately affected by the cost-of-living crisis and are struggling to live on their pay
- There is a social care emergency – upwards of 150,000 vacancies and rising
- There is a chronic lack of capacity in the social care system – it was already in crisis before the pandemic and now it’s at tipping point
- The retention and recruitment emergency must be addressed as a matter of urgency
- Social Care workers need to be properly recognised and rewarded if we are to stop the churn in retention and recruitment vacancies
- It’s time for a fair deal and fair pay - it’s time for action
- A fully funded and long-term solution must be found to #FixSocialCare
- It makes moral and economic sense to pay the REAL LIVING WAGE
- Social Care workers pay and conditions should be on par with those in the NHS who do a similar job
- Social Care needs to be FIXED and fit for purpose
- Social Care can be fixed by social care workforce reform – It IS POSSIBLE and FAIR to pay the Real Living Wage across the sector #PayFair4Care
- It is time for Government to act on Social Care – given the scale of the emergency the response is not enough
All of us will rely on the social care workforce at some point in our lives it is only right and fair that we care for those who care.