Wellbeing and living with covid protections measures consultation
The Scottish Government is currently consulting on people's experiences of coronavirus protection measures.
Various measures have been introduced throughout the pandemic to keep people safe and protect our NHS. However, they have changed the way we live our lives, including how we connect, travel and work. These measures include working from home, wearing PPE, vaccine passports, social distancing and self-isolation. There is no doubt that the coronavirus measures have had a profound effect on social work practice and it's therefore important that the views and experiences of social workers are heard by the Scottish Government.
What does the consultation cover?
The consultation is a short survey which asks what measures people have found difficult and easy to follow, as well as their thoughts on the year ahead and how the government could better support them. Only a few Scottish Government analysts will be able to view the full responses and everything is anonymised appropriately so that nobody will know who said what. The deadline for responses to the consultation is Sunday 13 February.
Share your views
You can find the consultation document here. To share your views on any aspect of this consultation with the SASW Team, to feed into our response, please contact jonny.adamson@basw.co.uk before 5pm on Thursday 10 February.