Wednesday 9 October 2024: BASW Cymru attended the Senedd Cross Party Group on Children in Our Care, which also included the group’s AGM. Jane Dodds MS was re-elected as the Chair and Voices from Care Cymru was re-elected as the partner to provide the secretariat services for the group.
The group want to create a brand-new framework for a Children’s Act, along with the Cross-Party Group Children and Families (also chaired by Jane Dodds MS). There is a workshop to progress this in mid-November and BASW Cymru is fully involved in this work.
The purpose of the workshop is to get stakeholders around the table, from across the sector, to share ideas and thoughts about what we would like to see in a potential new Children’s Act for Wales. The aim is to collate all of this information and present it to Welsh Government and other political parties ahead of the next Senedd election in 2026, with the goal of these suggestions either being included as party promises or legislative footing. This presents a unique opportunity for BASW Cymru, especially as we progress our manifesto for those elections too.
Leading on this work for BASW Cymru is Steven Crane-Jenkins (BASW Cymru) and Sofia Casey (BASW Cymru National Committee member).
I you have any thoughts or suggestions that you think should be a priority in any future Children’s Act, you can either email Steven directly, or via the email address.