BASW Cymru: Hospital discharge: Have your say, your voice matters
The Welsh Government are currently consulting on the role of local authorities in planning discharges from hospital. As we know, social work is a fundamental part of enabling people to return home to families and loved ones and where it works well, we know people enjoy living longer and healthier at home.
BASW Cymru are interested in submitting written evidence and want to hear from you. Your experiences, where it has worked well and how we can improve the discharge process and experiences for the people we serve.
Please do come along to our online consultation event on Tuesday 11th February 2025 4.30pm-5.15pm where you can meet other members and share your experiences. In particular, we will be looking at your experiences of:
• How effective are local authorities in supporting safe, timely and efficient discharges from hospital
• Your experiences of delays in the system and implications for people awaiting discharge
• What do you consider to be the barriers and enablers to effective discharge
Is this about capacity and workforce issues? Waiting times for SW assessments? Challenges in arranging care home placements or home care packages Legislative/funding issues across different organisations New models of care and working Partnership working with practitioners and/or managers.
Please join us to have your say - your voice matters.