BASW Independents Network: UK February 2025
Providing a platform for self-employed social workers to make and maintain professional links, share knowledge and access peer to peer support.
An open invitation for BASW members UK wide engaged in independent practice.
Each network forum will have oversight and support from a BASW staff member. Feel free to bring discussion items on both practice and running your social work business, or feed in agenda items in advance to Your BASW contact will facilitate the group in a participative and shared exchange of knowledge and experience.
Basic flexible agenda
Welcome & Introductions
Agreement on agenda for session (items below are suggestions)
Practice discussions
Business matters
Support space
Top tips
News and updates from BASW
AOB and next meeting plans
Held 2nd Wednesday of every month, 11:00 – 12:00 on MS Teams.
Dates for 2025
8 January
12th February
9th April
7th May
11th June
9th July
13th August
10th September
8th October
12th November
BASW have a number of forums and events for independent members – click here to find out more and register