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Recording with care training for NQSW's

Part of BASW's 2024-25 NQSW CPD Programme

***Session for students & NQSWs only***

Delivered by BASW’s accredited training partner DCC-i via MS Teams.

Part 3 of 8 in BASW's NQSW CPD Programme - click here to view the full series

You can attend all eight sessions or choose to book onto specific courses in the programme.

Suitable for newly qualified social workers and students

Recording with Care Training for Students/NQSWs supports the Following National Requirements:

England: PCF7 – Interventions and Skills, Adult PQS6 – Effective Assessment and Outcome-Based Support Planning, , Childrens PQS7 – Analysis, Decision-Making, Planning and Review.

Scotland: CLE2 – Communication, engagement and relationship-based practice/ CLE3 – Critical Thinking, Professional Judgement and Decision-Making

Wales and Northern Ireland: NOS2 – Practise Professional Social Work, NOS4 – Assess needs, risks and circumstances.

Course Outline:
Good record keeping serves many purposes and the frameworks of data protection, care management, and confidentiality are all areas which participants need to be aware of. This one-day session is designed to support Students /Newly Qualified Social Workers to effectively document their practice and incorporate meaningful analysis into all levels of case note recording and review processes to ensure staff are able to articulate clear evidence-based recommendations for the individuals care-plan.
The course will provide participants with practical tips for ensuring case notes in all formats, for a range of purposes are concise and easy to follow, whilst still capturing the voice of the child/vulnerable adult/service user and containing the necessary depth for complex decision making and long-term care-planning.
This Session also supports Students / Newly Qualified Social Workers to be reflective in their practice and learning and to identify both their strengths and areas for development.


Learning Methods:
This training is delivered using an online interactive classroom approach and all delegates will be expected to take part to ensure an effective adult learning experience. Using whiteboards and breakout rooms, a combination of learning methods will be used throughout the day, including trainer presentation and group work in the form of case studies and reflection dilemmas to support application to practice. Local templates and expectations will be embedded in the programme where required and appropriate.


Learning Outcomes:
This course will provide participants with the following learning outcomes:

  • How to write an appropriate length and dept the record.
  • How to know what to include and if anything should ever be left out,
  • How to record concisely, accurately and appropriately.
  • How to capture hypothesis & analysis.
  • How to record actions and recommendations.
  • How to be accountable and defensible
  • Lessons from Serious Case Reviews
  • An opportunity to reflect on practice, strengths and areas for development.

Programme Outline:
9.00 Log-in – Check your connection, camera & mic (then get a cuppa)
9.30 Introduction to the session and the tech
9.40 Group Exercise: What makes a good record?

10.00 How do we decide what to include and what to leave out?

  • Writing accurately
  • Writing concisely
  • Writing defensibly

11.10 COFFEE
11.30 Capturing perceptions & hypothesis

  • Using evidence, theory and research
  • Explaining views of risk or future possibilities

12.00 Making Recommendations

  • Linking content to plans
  • Being SMART
  • Sharing information

12.30 LUNCH
1.15 Exploring the importance of reflection in practice.

  • Why does it matter?
  • How can we make it meaningful?
  • How can we ensure its integrated into practice?

3.00 Personal Assessment

  • Strengths
  • Areas for development
  • Personal Plan

4.15 Reflection and Review – learning points and next steps
4.30 CLOSE

The Trainer:

Tony Clamp, Specialist Trainer (Motivational Interviewing)

Tony is an Social Work England registered Social Worker with 25 years experience in both the voluntary & statutory sectors of social care.  

​Since qualifying as a Social Worker, Tony has held academic positions at a number of British universities, as well as spending time as a children's social care practitioner. 

Tony is an experienced motivational interviewing practitioner and trainer.  ​As one of DCC-i's core crew, Tony specialises in Motivational Interviewing and its application in practice as a means to improve the quality of child & family safeguarding.



BASW members - to maintain your CPD record,  please log in to your BASW account prior to clicking the book now button

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