Update from BASW Council
Council – BASW’s board of directors - held an additional meeting on 18th March to agree the Covid-19 plan.
This plan covers staff wellbeing and support, support to members, guidance for practice, and our voice and influence. We agreed that there will be a Covid Committee meeting each week. This is a member-led committee of Honorary Officers (Chair, Treasurer, Vice Chair) with other Council members as needed, and the Chief Executive with senior executive staff as needed. The committee reviews the plan, agrees priorities and provides oversight.
After each meeting, the Chair feeds back to Council members.
We are proud of our staff team and the work they are doing, and committed to supporting them so we can do all possible as an organisation for social workers and our communities.
We have taken the decision to postpone BASW’s Annual General Meeting until September. Because of this, we are also postponing the elections for Chair, Vice Chair, Chair of Policy Ethics and Human Rights committee, and elected members of Council. Those council members who did not have to abstain from the vote because they held one of these posts, agreed that elections are not the priority at this time and that we need some continuity on the board. We will ensure elections happen in time for the Annual General Meeting.