World Social Work Day Motion
We're delighted that the Convenor of the Cross Party Group on Social Work, Fulton MacGregor MSP, has lodged a motion in the Scottish Parliament highlighting World Social Work Day 2022.
As well as recognising the incredible work of social workers, the motion also calls for the parliament to reform and shape a new future for the profession in Scotland. The motion makes clear that social workers are under considerable pressure due to increasing demands on services brought about by a system that focuses on high-risk crisis rather than early intervention and prevention. It notes that improvements must be made but it can only be achieved through engagement with social workers.
The full text of the motion is available here.
So far, 17 MSPs have added their names in support of the motion. Can you help us to get more on board? Please email your MSP(s) and ask them to sign motion S6M-03183 in support of World Social Work Day. It's vitally important that MSPs are aware of the challenges faced by social workers and make a commitment to working with the profession to make it better.
If you would like contact details for your MSP, please contact our Policy Officer, Jonny Adamson on
We can also provide you with an email template if you would prefer. Thank you for your help!