Free Event - 5th November 2024 9:30am - 4:00pm - In Person
Yo Dunn, author of “Social Work with Autistic People” and Jo Minchin, who are both members of National Autistic Task Force in partnership with the BASW Black Country Branch, will lead this in person event.
Sarah Goff and Chris Bush will deliver a session which will explore some of the challenges faced by neurodiverse children and young people and what they, and their parents/carers need from social workers.
Some of the areas the event will explore include:
- What good care and support for Autistic People looks like
- Relevant legislative frameworks
- Commissioning and social prescribing
- reflect on the impacts of service gaps and omissions and what this means for practice drawing learning from the recent Practice Learning Reviews concerning the Hesley group
- child and family voices and experiences, growing capacity and what we can learn from recent research about some of the challenges of the teenage years
There will be a number of opportunities to engage in different workshops throughout the day and a light lunch will be provided.
The Workspace – All Saints Action Network (, All Saints Road, Wolverhampton, WV2 2AW
Information on how to get to the venue Find us – All Saints Action Network (
Yo Dunn
Yo Dunn PhD
Strategic Lead
The National Autistic Taskforce,uk
Yo is a trainer and consultant who trains social workers in both autism and law. Her book, Social Work with Autistic People, is the leading text in the field. Yo is strategic lead of the National Autistic Taskforce and led the development of the NAT Independent Guide to Quality Care for Autistic People and the Skills for Care-funded discussion paper on Recognising Behaviour as Distress in care services. She served on the Steering Group for the Department of Health and Social Care’s Core Capabilities Framework for Supporting Autistic People, which sets out the key capabilities for staff working with autistic people in all roles across the public sector in England. She is currently the co-principal investigator on the NIHR-funded EQUALS project, a major research project on improving approaches in adult social care for autistic people. She is autistic, a parent of autistic young adults and has a thorough knowledge of public law and professional practice issues in health and social care in England for autistic people both with and without intellectual disabilities.
Chris Bush
Experienced social worker and manager, working in various local authorities over 40 years. Always interested in community systems and strengths-based approaches to benefit children and young people. Worked as a leader, decision maker and commissioner in various roles. Engaged in preparation for adulthood, transition and disabled children’s issues through working in partnership across health, education and social care.
Sarah Godd
Sarah is a social worker by training and was a social worker for 27 years. She co-chairs National Working Group on Safeguarding Disabled Children and currently works as a researcher at Manchester Metropolitan University as part of a team led by Professor Anita Franklin looking at Modern slavery and children with learning needs and disabilities.
Sarah also develops and delivers training on safeguarding disabled children, and supporting families, on sexual abuse and exploitation with children with learning and neurodiverse needs, on working with parents with Learning disabilities. She is a doctoral student at Bedfordshire working on sexual abuse and communication with learning disabled children and those who are neurodiverse and is the chair of the BASW Disabled Children’s Thematic subgroup.