Neurodivergent Student, NQ and ASYE social workers A sub-group of the NSW SIG
A safe community space for neurodivergent (ND) student social workers, ASYE and newly qualified social workers (NQSW) in the UK.
Please note that this is a safe space for peer support only, and not for CPD purposes. If you are unsure whether you may join this community, please email Helen Randle on in the first instance. Many thanks.
Social workers frequently face the emotional toll of child protection work, often leading to secondary trauma and burnout. This session offers an in-depth exploration of self-care strategies, time management, and emotional resilience tools for social workers. Rich Devine will share practical tools and tips for managing a complex caseload without compromising your well-being. Learning Outcomes: • Understand the impact of secondary trauma and burnout on social workers. • Introduce key concepts, such as spiritual pain, moral risk and ethical dilemmas.
This online forum is for NQSWs, social workers looking for their first employed role in England or a change in role and those looking to return to the profession after a career break.
This online forum is for social workers looking for their first employed social work role in England or for those who are looking to return to the profession after a career break. You may also find the session helpful if you have been in the same role for a long time and are now applying for alternative social work jobs.
This online forum is aimed at new BASW members, who are either newly qualified or have qualified with in the last 5 years and want to make supervision work for them.
If you are not sure what supervision is for or if it simply feels like a chore that has to be done, in this session we will explore:
> What supervision is really for (linking it to the PCF and BASW’s Ethical Framework
A session uniquely designed and delivered by Siobhan Maclean, an experienced social worker, practice educator and consultant who has written widely around social work theory and written reflection.
Delivered virtually using MS Teams, with limited group sizes to allow for full interaction with the trainer.
This programme will explore:
- Journeys in social work practice
- Using the ‘what? why? and how?’ framework in management practice
- What leadership and management mean in social work
Delivered by BASW’s accredited training partner DCC-i via MS Teams.
Since the implementation of the Care Act 2014, working with adults who may be at risk of harm and undertaking safeguarding adults’ enquiries has seen a shift in emphasis from process to personalised responses.
Supported by BASW, the Neurodivergent Social Workers Special Interest Group (NSW SIG) is a SIG for neurodivergent social workers, and professionals within social care.
If you are a social worker who is neurodivergent, come and join us, let’s be the change and make our workplace neuro-inclusive! This vibrant, active SIG meets online, usually on MS Teams, on the last Tuesday of every month, 7pm till 8.30pm.
Neurodivergent Student, NQ and ASYE social workers A sub-group of the NSW SIG
A safe community space for neurodivergent (ND) student social workers, ASYE and newly qualified social workers (NQSW) in the UK.
Please note that this is a safe space for peer support only, and not for CPD purposes. If you are unsure whether you may join this community, please email Helen Randle on in the first instance. Many thanks.
This online forum is for NQSWs, social workers looking for their first employed role in England or a change in role and those looking to return to the profession after a career break.
This online forum is for social workers looking for their first employed social work role in England or for those who are looking to return to the profession after a career break. You may also find the session helpful if you have been in the same role for a long time and are now applying for alternative social work jobs.
Supported by BASW, the Neurodivergent Social Workers Special Interest Group (NSW SIG) is a SIG for neurodivergent social workers, and professionals within social care.
If you are a social worker who is neurodivergent, come and join us, let’s be the change and make our workplace neuro-inclusive! This vibrant, active SIG meets online, usually on MS Teams, on the last Tuesday of every month, 7pm till 8.30pm.
These Community of Practice sessions are designed to be dedicated reflective places for practicing MHOs across Scotland to network with peers and engage in reflective discussion on prearranged topics to support professional learning and development. There will be a CoP for MHOs planned on a quarterly basis and each CoP will have a dedicated theme. The CoPs will attract 3 hours CPD. Please book below and come and join us. You will receive an agenda and some reading prior to the session, which will be used to inform the discussion. The session will take place on MS Teams.
Neurodivergent Student, NQ and ASYE social workers A sub-group of the NSW SIG
A safe community space for neurodivergent (ND) student social workers, ASYE and newly qualified social workers (NQSW) in the UK.
Please note that this is a safe space for peer support only, and not for CPD purposes. If you are unsure whether you may join this community, please email Helen Randle on in the first instance. Many thanks.
This online forum is for NQSWs, social workers looking for their first employed role in England or a change in role and those looking to return to the profession after a career break.
This online forum is for social workers looking for their first employed social work role in England or for those who are looking to return to the profession after a career break. You may also find the session helpful if you have been in the same role for a long time and are now applying for alternative social work jobs.
Supported by BASW, the Neurodivergent Social Workers Special Interest Group (NSW SIG) is a SIG for neurodivergent social workers, and professionals within social care.
If you are a social worker who is neurodivergent, come and join us, let’s be the change and make our workplace neuro-inclusive! This vibrant, active SIG meets online, usually on MS Teams, on the last Tuesday of every month, 7pm till 8.30pm.
Part of BASW’s Practice Educator & Practice Assessor CPD Programme Delivered by BASW’s accredited training partner DCC-i via MS Teams. Suitable for experienced Practice Educators – (PEPS / PE Assessors, PEPS / PE Mentors, PEPS / PE Coordinators, Practice Mentor Assessors) and experienced Practice Assessors (ASYE Assessors, NQSW Assessors, PAs of NQSWs, PAs of ASYEs, Supervisors of NQSWs, Supervisors of ASYEs).
This course will focus on English and Welsh legislation and case examples but the principles will be relevant to delegates nationwide.