This is a budget focused on delivering tax cuts that will disproportionately benefit the wealthiest, while those on lower incomes, Universal Credit and disability benefits are left facing the brunt of inflation and long-term unaffordability in many aspects of life.
New advice and guidance for journalists reporting on the work of social workers launched on 22 September 2022 will provide more protection for those working in the profession.
The Chancellor of the Exchequer has announced that there will be a ‘mini budget’ on 23rd September as pressure on the Government to tackle the cost-of-living crisis increases.
SWU General Secretary John McGowan and BASW Professional Officer Rebekah Pierre have been invited to speak at Westminster Education Forum seminars on 29 September 2022.
A new survey conducted by Professional Social Work magazine of BASW members shows the cost-of-living crisis will have a catastrophic impact on people who use services and will drive many to more to seek help.