The British Association of Social Workers sends its heartfelt condolences to the family, friends, and all those affected by the horrific murder of Arthur Labinjo-Hughes. We await the outcome of the local child safeguarding practice review and independent police review, to understand findings and learning, including the potential impact of the pandemic and lockdowns.
BASW is appalled to learn that women with learning disabilities and mental health needs were abused in a learning disability hospital, and we condemn the actions of the staff involved.
Holocaust Memorial Day takes place Friday 27 January to mark the anniversary of the liberation of Auschwitz-Birkenau in 1945. This year’s theme is ‘ordinary people.’
Imam Sis, the Newport based Kurdish activist, has completed a successful hunger strike after his struggles echoed all of the way to Parliament, directly influencing the Turkish government to allow visitation by Abdullah Öcalan’s legal team. Öcalan called on his supporters to end their reported 3,000 hunger strikes around the world.