BASW and people affected by children’s social care services eagerly await the release of the UK Government’s implementation plan for transformational change in England, trailed as potentially a ‘long-term strategy to fix children’s social care’.
jane fae shares her knowledge and perspective of the ongoing issue of transphobic dog whistles in the UK as part of this educational blog series for social workers.
Practicing social worker Deb Solomon shares her experiences with dog whistles in the workplace. Deb is Chair of the BASW Neurodivergent Social Workers SIG and Co-Chair of the BASW Equality, Diversity and Inclusion (EDI) Advisory Group.
BASW England welcomes the launch of a ‘rapid review’ into mental health inpatient care in England and urge that this does not become a missed opportunity to champion the provision of adequately funded, good quality, timely community care provision and to champion the rights of people in all care settings.